President Trump says he will not issue a national mandate requiring Americans to wear masks in order to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.
“I want people to have a certain freedom and I don’t believe in that, no,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News’s Chris Wallace that will air in full on “Fox News Sunday.”
Trump also seemed to express skepticism about the efficacy of masks, noting that public health officials initially said that facial coverings were not necessary for healthy individuals, before later adding that he is a “believer in masks.”
“I don’t agree with the statement that if everyone wore a mask, everything disappears,” Trump said, referring to Wallace’s mention of the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) saying that the country could get the virus under control in four to six weeks if everyone wore a mask.
“Dr. [Anthony] Fauci said don’t wear a mask, our surgeon general — terrific guy — said don’t wear a mask. Everybody was saying don’t wear a mask, all of a sudden everybody’s got to wear a mask,” Trump continued. “And as you know, masks cause problems too. With that being said, I am a believer in masks. I think masks are good.”
For those with secondary or compromised health systems 60 and older, especially in our nursing and assisted homes, then yes wear a mask. A doctor researching the increases in certain areas tried to see if there was any correlation as to the cause of the spikes, states reopening etc.. He could not find any, what he did find relating to Texas was the increase in cases related to increased testing. Those who are otherwise healthy and between 20 and 59 the illness percentages drop significantly. If one did catch the virus the effects were either asymptomatic or mild and the rate of recovery and hospital stays are about half as the time. He also found the increase in ICU beds were not from covid-19, but from postponed elective tests and surgeries due to the virus outbreak, were now causing a bottleneck. Only about 15% of the total ICU beds filled were related to covid-19. There has been disturbing evidence of duplicity in exaggerating the increased percentages of cases in some states. In Florida a 98% increase was reported when the actual increase was 6%. And similar numbers have shown up in other areas. This must not be tolerated, if state health officials are inflating these numbers to make it appear thie Trump administration is not handling the outbreak efficiently and are exploiting the numbers they must be held accountable for their outright lies, and the numbers corrected.
fauci is a marxist shill, a liar of the highest order. He, along with the cdc have sold their souls to big pharma, soros and the anti-America leftists. If obiden wins in November, and that's a big IF, the Covid-19 virus will disappear by the next morning, and the azzclown fools that bought the lie will pay for it dearly, when hillary clinton plants her fat azz in the Oval Office with her 20th century shredder and the U.S. Constitution in hand preparing it to be shredded.
Hooray for you Trump
Thank you President Trump. I am sick of them. I only wear them in the grocery store when mandated and I am out of there in less than 30 min. Have not been to a retail store since this started. I see so many elderly shoppers struggling with them. Breathing in your own carbon dioxide is not safe. for anyone including children.
No wonder a large majority of Americans trust Trump. They certainly don't trust a guy like Fauci, who obvioulsy doesn't know what he is talking about. Then again, Fauci doesn't have to face voters like Trump does. So, Fauci can lie but Trump cannot. Trump needs to fulfill his promises and talk straight, which he always does. Americans will make sure that Trump gets another 4 years in office. He certainly deserves it.