
  • Now that the cat is out of the bag that American taxpayers have been subsidizing Canada's and other socialist nations " GREAT "social healthcare systems, it is time for Americans to get some of that money back. To think how we were lectured by the commiecrats about how great canada's healthcare was compared to America's, because America was paying for it. When obama foisted his crap obamacare on America, there was no country to subsidize America;s healthcare, so, the costs went through the roof. Pull your heads out of your rearends America, we were paying for it all, and that piece of shyt joe obiden was going to roll back Trump's tax breaks, so we could keep paying the expenses of all the America/Trump hating countries. In a word,,,,,Phuck them!

  • I hope prescription drug prices go down, but once again is overreaching by doing this by Executive Order. The only valid use of Executive Orders is for policy within the Executive branch. Trump has no more constitutional authority to expand the use of EOs beyond that, no more than did Obama or the Democrat governors today.


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