Trump slams de Blasio as a 'communist fool'

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Twitter: "We have a thunderstorm watch and ...

President Trump slammed Bill de Blasio as a 'communist fool' who has destroyed New York City on Monday morning, as more and more residents flee for good and say they'll likely never return because the city may never recover.

Many fled New York in March, when it was the epicenter of the pandemic, with the intention of returning when things began reopening.   

But as the lockdown dragged on, forcing hundreds of businesses to close their doors, and as businesses survived with a remote workforce, many abandoned their apartment leases permanently for more spacious homes in different states. 

In recent weeks, crime has shot up and homelessness is spreading across the city. 

The NYPD's largest union - the Sergeants Benevolent Association - has taken the unorthodox step of formally endorsing Trump because cops are so frustrated with de Blasio's handling of the city. 

In June, he stripped the NYPD of $1billion in response to Black Lives Matter protesters who wanted to defund the department entirely. 

Trump has vowed to revitalize the city if he wins the November election, but he hasn't yet explained how. De Blasio remains in power until November 2021. He cannot be re-elected. 

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  • here is a guy that is a Red-Blooded American want to destroy his nation what's wrong with this picture?

  • This explains a lot!  Even a brief video of George Soros and what he's thinking!

    Up to no good, of course.


    • if it doesn't open here, copy the link and put in your brower.  I had no problem seeing when I did that!

  • Democrat, deranged, same s%^t. The talent pool serving the democrat party is dangerously shallow. THEY DON'T ATTRACT THE TALENT! THEY ATTRACT THE MENTALLY ILL!

    • Max, what should we do with the mentally ill? (wink, wink)

  • De Blasio killed all these people because he wanted Trump to look bad but that didn't work. Trump is the world's envy because he responded so decisively and quickly to the virus. As Trump said yesterday, even New Zealand has a major outbreak again while we are holding steady. Can you imagine how many people would have died if it hadn't been for Trump! It would have been as bad as it was with the swineflu under the very inept obummer.

  • Bill de Blasio is a either a traitor to our country by deliberately trying to destroy it from within or he is mentally deranged and should be committed to a mental hospital.  What other explanation is there for his failure to see the destruction his lack of leadership has brought upon the once great city of New York.   How he appears to be blind to the increase of robberies, assaults, violence and murders while he paints a mural on the street.  My bigger question though is this--WHY HAVEN'T THE CITIZENS OF THIS CITY DEMANDED HIS RECALL AND REPLACE HIM????  It is long past time for the citizens to speak up NOW AND REMOVE HIM!

  • All communist in America must be purged from our nation!! NO COMMUNIST ALLOWED IN AMERICA!!

    • How would we remove them from the pentagon, cia, nsa, fbi, dhs, to name a few, or how about the judges obama put on the bench, how about john roberts the supreme court chief justice? A lot of these people have sold us out, taken bribes, have been blackmailed, allowing the left to make laws like daca for one, was anti-Constitutional, but was put in place by obama with an executive order, Trump tried to use an executive order to eliminate it, but john roberts would not allow it. Any thing the left does that has adverse consequences for American taxpayers is always upheld, like obamacare that destroyed the greatest healthcare system on the planet, while the leftist media parroted how canada's healthcare system was great, now, we find out that the American taxpayer has been subsidizing canada's and other western european nations' healthcare, now the left wants to extend that to illegals sneaking into the country, and it will be just a matter of time before we start subsidizing mexico, if we are not already.

  • Trump is right. Communism is rampant in the USA ever since we suffered from it under obummer. Thank the Lord that he sent us Trump who restored America again after we suffered through riots, chaos, and fiscal disarray under the communist rule of obummer. Today every American can see how great Trump has made America. That's why he will win the elections with a huge landslide and he will turn the House Republican again.

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