There are a lot of fights breaking out at the Beverly Hills protest between Antifa and Trump supporters.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 23, 2020
More brawls between BLM activists and Trump supporters in Beverly Hills.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 23, 2020
A Black Lives Matter activist suckerpunched a Trump supporter at the Beverly Hills protest.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 23, 2020
Pushing and shoving at the Beverly Hills protest. A female Trump supporter was punched by a man who ran off.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 23, 2020
If as they say it is not their flag, then they are certainly in the wrong country.
As long as bill barr, doj play footsies with soros, obama, clinton and their evil gang, this stuff will keep going on. They are the unholy trinity, the 3 headed serpent. Cut the heads off that snake and watch what happens.
Even the foreigners that soros brought here to undermine the Republic will race for their get-a-way vehicles with their tails between their legs.
I'm glad to see that people are standing up against the trouble makers. Especially that more young people are throwing off the blinders that leftist propaganda have used on them and are seeing things aren't right. Finally! I know I won't win any popularity contests when I say that I think one solution to a lot of these problems we are having is to bring back the draft. The problem is that these people have nothing better to do with their lives and they have no direction in life. They blame it on everything and everybody but themselves. They also have no conception of respect, morals, discipline, and they think they are entitled to be able to do as they please even though they commit crimes. They are full of anger and resentment I think have been bottled up for the eight years of the previous presidency and no way to vent it until the wrong elements took advantage of them and directed it all towards Trump and the present establishment. I say if they want to fight so badly then draft them and send them somewhere they can work out all that anger. Against terrorists. And the armed forces will teach them respect and discipline. Ever since they did away with the draft things started gradually going downhill and then started speeding up and now we are seeing the end result. In the end I think they would come out better human beings than when they went in. With the energy they seem to have we could have one powerful military. And I think many of them would be proud of their accomplishments because they certainly have nothing to be proud of now to tell their children and grandchildren.
Absolutely agreed!
Draft won't work because they will form gangs in the army.
I know. Thats what happened when I was drafted
BLM, antifa, anti-fascists. I can't even hear these words any more. When will this great country be purged of these unpatriotic forces? What else has to happen? When is enough really enough?
ANTIFA & Black Lives Marxists, what happens when Trump gets a second term, a Bolshevik-American Revolution. Martial Law will not accomplish anything. Where the Hell are you going to incarcerate 20,000 Socialists? And that is just one state. I figure the Anarchists are going to pull another FORT SUMTER and the new Confederate Democrats will take up arms against the Trump Union and resume what ended 160 years ago at Appomattox.
Only probably kiddies, you don't have armor or air power on your side. Just round everybody up, hand them a one way ticket to Red China, they have cities that have no residents and that can become the American Socialists Colony. And all of you can live happily ever after. At least you have Disney World over there.
You dont incarcerate them!
It is not necessary to incarcerate 20K socialist... cut off the head of the snake and the body will die. I would think around 5000 would do the job and GITMO has the capacity to detain them. If more space is needed we can house them using temporary prisons built using Theater of Operations (military temp) facilities... in places like the NTC and other federal lands. Detaining them is not a problem... rounding them up quickly before they disappear is the challenge.
Civil War is not an option ... that is why Trump needs to engage Shock and Awe when declaring Marital Law... he needs to round up all the key leaders in the first 72hours and all of the major leaders in the first week... locking them away from all public access. Trump will also need to pull an Abraham Lincoln by rounding up several thousand owners, management, and anchors in the Marxist MSM... for supporting insurrection, sedition, espionage, and other crimes... the First Amendment doesn't protect unlawful conduct... read it. The MSM may not incite a riot, engage insurrection, operate as propagandist for the dissolution of government, reveal government classified documents, work to remove a sitting president illegally... thru the abuse of the public and their access to them using our airways and public communications systems... etc.
I also agree with you. Trump needs to impose his total authority on the entire country if he really wants to drain the swamp, and he has to do it quickly. Boom! Done!