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  • I'll bet the attendees left their wives and daughters at home.

  • No doubt Trump will win again. How could he not?He is making America great again. The country is so much better off today than it was 3 1/2 years ago. God, patriotism, family values, and fiscal responsibility are front and center of American life again under Trump's leadership. 

    • I hope you are right. I also know that a number of state governments are advocating the use of absentee ballots, supposedly to retard the Cornonavirus spread. Ballot fraud anyone?

    • I am with you, Paul.

  • Let's just pray that God puts Trump back in office in 2020 just like He did in 2016

  • Go Trump, Go!

  • Wasn;t ole sleepy ass just involved in a major scandel with the Burisma deal? Also making a cheap crook out of his son in the deal?Or was all the retorick just a MsM lie? It would almost seem so , seeing how all of a sudden it"s gone, now how amazing is that? Some of the the general public may not be as sleepy as ole sleepy wants them to be in spite of the good ole MS payola media. One would have to ask why the demo's would make such a choce? Or is this just a reflection of the party in general?

    • Yes he and his son were involved in bribery and corruption via Burisma in the Ukraine. Biden even bribed the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor investigating the matter by threatening to withhold a $6B loan to the Ukraine if they did not (he bragged about it in a video you may still be able to view on YouTube). Trump tried to get the Ukraine to reopen the matter, and it was that telephone call that one of the rats in the WH told the MSM about, and which they ran with as evidence of Trump's bullying, all the while saying nothing about the allegations against Biden and his son.

    • the answer to your question is this the Democratic party voted God out of there party back in the 2012 Election.


    • Yes and now they're finding out about the Flinn scabdal.. biden signed off on strolz paperwork.. 

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