22 Trump 2020 Memes - Rickio MeMes in 2020 | Memes, Trump, Funny memes

"Today, I requested that the Department of Transportation suspend private charter flights to all Cuban airports, including Havana,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo released in a statement Thursday. “This Administration will continue to target and cut the revenue the Cuban government earns from landing fees, stays in regime-owned hotels, and other travel-related income…The Cuban military and intelligence services own and operate the great majority of hotels and tourism infrastructure in Cuba.”

For the record, the late Stalinist dictator’s birthday was August 13th. But fear not! The Castro regime and its mainstream media propaganda auxiliaries instantly got to the bottom of the tacky political pandering involved in the Trump team’s timely announcement:

“Given the upcoming November elections in the U.S., the new move would be part of the Trump Administration's efforts to mobilize anti-Cuban sectors in Florida,” proclaimed the Castro regime’s news organ Telesur.

“The move comes as President Donald Trump faces a tough re-election battle in which Florida -- home to a large, conservative Cuban-American community that loathes the Havana government -- is a must-win state,” instantly echoed The International Business Times.

Where’s Spock when you really need him? Where’s Spock when logic vanishes! Captain Kirk, can you please summon Spock! To wit:

For decades now--and especially with Obama’s “opening” to Cuba-- the Castro-regime/Democrat/Mainstream-Media teleprompter has flashed that a majority of Florida’s Cuban-Americans OPPOSE the “embargo” and SUPPORT the Obama approach (which Biden/Harris, have pledged to resurrect, by the way.)

The Castro-regime/Democrat/Mainstream Media propaganda complex cites no end of “polls’ and quotes no end of Cuban-American “leaders” for their anti-embargo case.

Well, if so, and given that the Trump Team is supposedly and cravenly seeking Cuban-American votes in this crucial swing state, shouldn’t Trump imitate the Obama “opening” to Cuba? If all the “polls” and “leaders” are correct, then why should “political pandering” in Florida involve block-headedly tightening the “failed,” and “discredited” and “archaic,” and “unpopular” embargo?.....just asking.

Here’s another take from a more neutral observer: “The impact of this new sanction will be limited, because since Obama restored commercial flights to Cuba, private charter travel to the island has fallen off, said John Kavulich, president of the US-Cuba Trade and Economic Council. "What will be impacted are the visits to the Republic of Cuba by celebrities and business executives who used general aviation private charter aircraft."

In other words: one of the Stalinist regime’s most relentless propaganda auxiliaries will be greatly inconvenienced. To wit:

"Fidel Castro is a genius!" gushed Jack Nicholson after a visit with the Cuban Führer in 1998. "We spoke about everything. Castro is a humanist like President Clinton. Cuba is simply a paradise!" the actor rhapsodized further.

"Socialism works. I think Cuba might prove that" (Chevy Chase).

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  • What ever happened to Chevy Chase? 😋 I thought he passed on. He doesn't even make a little sent in this our. Political system. Who cares.

  • way to go Mr. President.

  • I truly love his attitude and humor.

  • I like Cubans

    I despise Communists

    This may be little more than a pin prick to the Cuban Communist government but hopefully the pin carries a fatal infection that eventually kills the host.

  • They never retrieved Obama's nose from Castro's ass when they buried him because it was imbedded to far!

    • Never thought of that, you're probably so right😋!

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