POTUS Trump says they are thinking about doing a Trump rally soon to “let everybody know that there is hope in the future.” ♥️ pic.twitter.com/qNLDov0Y9K
— Teresa AnnMarie (@TeresaFreeThink) March 31, 2021
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A new YouTube video worth watching. Can only hope there is some truth to it.
Gitmo Prison Ready for Massive Swamp Draining
I like Alex Jones as Fentanyl the Chicom dragon myself.
Man I loathe Q-berts almost as much as NWO techno-facists and their useful fools. Being Q-teased with truth interlaced with dangerous lies is psychologically so Confuscius! Sure, I would love to believe "everything is going to plan". But that thinking is too expensive to fail, and therefore to risk on. I am not from MIssouri like the Colonel, but like him, SHOW ME! So, onwards in preparing for the worst.
The synthesized narrator was an interesting touch though.
Remember, President Trump had the whole swamp working against him like NO OTHER president before him. We were basically the only support he had and then they stole the election.
The potential power of the constitution is much bigger than the swamp, all Trump had to do was learn it and use it to itss full potential. For one he could have appointed people outside the swamp, he'd still be president without even using drastic measures afforded each president by the constitution.
Oleg, I am concerned. No one moves in and around that town to tend to political duties without connections. A Newbie has none. That is why I have jumped up and down about the political nepotism of the entrenched "in-crowd", that acts and expects a seperate set of rules apply to them in their undertakings. How is the House Hag not even internally disciplined in public knowledge, for the felony of destroying a federal document on camera, behind the Presidents back in a political stunt, for the Nations televised display? Notice how Hillary Clinton STILL does not grace a jail cell? Not even an arraignment! This woman has committed a number of mercenary seditious acts, and a criminal dereliction (Ben Ghazi) as Secretary of State. She is suspected along with her husband of benefiting from a string of "convenient" deaths of politically awkward associates. Rapo Bills string of "dates" all were dealt with by Mrs. "Bimbo-Squad", to the victims personal ruin. The rogues gallery of federal office holders stretches far longer than I desire to list.
No man. The D.C. is a rigged town, and for what you state to happen, requires a clean sweep from top to bottom. I hope for this one day in the future, but not by one man, not by an outsider, and not in one term. This problem is the sole reason I take interest in the Colonels truncated office terms.
Of course now President Trump has inside knowledge that he can use to advantage with upcoming conservative talent in networking and mentoring. Obama sure intends to with his two term experience.
Oleg, you have a knack for bringing the intense out in me. Not many do.
Skeptical, I like your solutions and ideas, sometimes they coincide with mine or others, sometimes we just must agree to disagree, it's all good, so keep 'em coming. Trump was in the establishment since the eighties, maybe earlier, and there are videos of him making political statements or responding to political questions in the eighties and on, he's far from a newbie, but played that role well, and that helped surprise the establishment with the announcement to run for president.
For him or someone like him to be president was the goal of the entire tea party movement, or the unthinkable was almost inevitable, Trump was just what the doctor ordered. But the man lost the reigns out of his own incompetence as a commander in chief, draining the swamp was his main mission, what did he do? He added more prey for the swamp residents. He had his chance and has shown to be a tongue fighter in a place where much more is required and afforded by the office. But he gave us time to place in charge men of founders caliber. Trump is needed, he has his particularly significant advantages, just not in an office surrounded by the swamp, there's simply no more time to bet on a process being run mostly by the swamp, it's a usage of time we the people no longer have.
We are not going to have control of the federal echelon for a while. But it is proped up significantly by the lower echelons that we now must retake as a People.
Any President cannot slay Godzilla single-handedly. I listened to website accounts of the President directing actions his subordinates would seek to thwart by numerous methods of misdirection or outright dereliction. AG Sessions was a bumbling well-mannered refusal to perform! His successor simply stalled. Where are the indictments of high crimes and misdemeanors? Plenty of time was availible. Trumps few faithful subordinates were railroaded out of the picture just like Trump from his second term victory, leaving Trump isolated and surrounded by untrustworthies.Simply speed hiring and firing argueably demonstrates an inability to administrate, and resembles a hyper active version of the Colonels truncated terms in office idea. So now I have you and the Colonel both in stereo.
To review, our state and local government modes are now the forums to retake control of the federal government. It is nessesarily a National effort, instead of one-man dragon slayer.
The 2020 election riggers who planted Quid Pro Joe in the wrong spot, seem to have the due process of the federal government in their seditious hands for the moment. But will they be able to hold onto the hot potato? State actions are becoming refreshingly interesting.
There remains a very large negative force in the Conservative movement targeting and slow walking real reforms and the activist agents of conservative ideology. The GOP/RNC is full of half-baked conservatives, who think they can control the left and expand their power thru alliances with the DEVIL. These PROGRESSIVES arrogantly ignore history and the clear signs of the Marxist movement in our government... The Marxists are not playing games, they are out for blood and lots of it. We don't have the time or resources to wait for the next rigged election, those pushing such nonsense are the problem, not the solution.
It will take a central leader to pull the disparate interests of the many conservative groups together... individually they are going nowhere. Our libertarian underpinnings are quite possibly our worst enemy, as the conservatives fight among themselves for leadership and personal power. We must find a leader able to unite the CLANS... as Wallace once proclaimed in his struggle to free Scotland from the English tyrant, we also must unite the clans. That will take a man of considerable leadership qualities and charisma. A Donald Trump on steroids. Someone who knows how to manage personnel to get the job done... and done properly the first time.
Until we find a leader capable of securing the resources and STAFFING our struggle... we will continue to lose what little we have gained and more. Calls for independent action will not result in the changes we need. We need unified actions, a Convention of States requires 34 States to petition Congress for its call. We are well short of that number. Other actions require greater funding and resourcing, and not everything can be bought. We need access to the Public Forum. Access as never before afforded us. We need massive audio and video, EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGNS, created to inform and convince the public of the Fraud running our elections. We need to target the leadership of the left, to systematically expose their criminal conduct; in ways, that demand public redress.
Most importantly, we need to become highly VISIBLE as a group... unified in purpose and operational mandate. Unified in our efforts to achieve our goals.
Ronald, undoubtedly the founders faced similar dilemmas, and sometimes there comes a time when all options are spent or their end is in sight, short of the last option which should never be neglected. The militias still exist in this country, including oath keepers, vast majority of them are constitutional, consisting mostly of veterans. I think unifying them should be top priority in parallel with CoS, they lack central leadership ever since committees of safety were forgotten. Nearly all veterans and conservatives know someone in active duty and that adds favor to the numbers. Enemies respect physical strength, America and the second amendment attest to that, along with world history.
Many fail to realize the Militia of our forefathers was in fact a 'Colonial Government' agency... codified in colonial law. Each Colony had a colonial militia by law, most had compulsory service requirements and were the primary force to defend the local populations from Indian and foreign interventions.
The Colonies funded, trained, and EQUIPED the militia of our forefathers... not private citizen groups. Too, be a Constitutional Malitia one must be under the control of the State, and its government... not a private agency or what is in effect a form of vigilantism. It is best for these local militias to affiliate lawfully with the local sheriff, police force, or State militia as a reserve or auxiliary police force under the direct supervision of the local Sheriff. Committees of safety were in effect colonial militia with several missions including aiding the local civil authorities for emergency and other duties.
Here are the applicable Militia Clauses found in the US Constitution...
The Militia Clauses Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16.
Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power... " To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions."
Clause 16. The Congress shall have Power... "To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress."
For More on the Constitutional Militia see: The Militia Clauses :: Article I. Legislative Department :: US Cons...