President Donald Trump said he will announce next week action he's taking against cities run by 'liberal, left-wing Democrats' that are out of control with protesters and demonstrations.
He did not offer any specifics when he made the announcement in the Oval Office on Wednesday but promised a 'very exciting news conference, because we'll be talking about some of the cities where the Democrats running them have just lost control of the cities.'
He name checked big cities run by Democratic mayors - a majority of the nation's mayors are Democrats - noting he'd be looking at Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland and Chicago.
'We have other cities that are out of control. They are like war zones,' Trump said. 'If the city isn't going to straighten it out, if local politicians or, in this case -- I don't say this for political reasons, they are all Democrats. They are liberal, left-wing Democrats, and it's almost like they think this is going to be this way forever,' he said.
Officials from the Justice Department and the FBI will be involved. Attorney General William Barr, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Matthew Albence were part of his Wednesday event in the Oval Office.
President Trump noted that people have died in these cities.
'We're not going to put up with that. We are not going to put up with that,' he said.
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These mayors won't make changes because they are in full sympathy with these anachronistic and would welcome the overthrough of our form of government and replace it with Marxist, Socialist, Communist forms of government. The only problem is that they would not be tolerated by those new governments and their little personal fiefdomes would come to a very swift end..
Here is what is really going on in this country and around the world. The US is not the only country going through this BS. The entire west is engulfed in this take over.
In the meantime, the entire west is jealous of us because Trump has the best response to this BS with the best results by far.
What is taking place here in America right now, even though no one in the media will say it, is we are involved in a war. The fact is we, the conservative side, are just not fighting yet. It is a misnomer to refer to these people attacking law enforcement as protesters or demonstrators. They are more like mercenary fighters. They are being paid by transformed democrats like George Soros and others including henchmen. They even admit it! Make no mistake about it however George Soros is not alone in his quest to bring down Constitutional America. There are many others. As a matter of fact it is quite obvious what is going on is, at least a mostly bloodless coup d’etat which has been going on ever since Donald J Trump was elected president beating Hillary Clinton. It is well organized and extremely determined to take Donald J Trump out of the presidency. However, it is not really Trump they are after it is us, the US citizenship. The current system , constitutionally is govern by and for the people. In other words the people are supposed to rule the nation. President Trump is trying to get America back to that point but the oppressive (depressive?) democrats are preventing any action in that direction. Their obstruction is extreme. As long as they have even on portion of the legislative branch of government nothing will get accomplished.
Nothing about this movement (if in fact movement can be the correct name), of BLM and Antifa, is peaceful and peacefulness is required in order for their action to be both legal and not be offensive and war like. Even though they are not currently breaking into stores and looting, like they did a few weeks ago, they are rioting to say the least. They are attempting to get rid of law enforcement. Who thinks that would work out well for America or any citizens of America? If this continues unchecked it will soon become a shooting war and has to some degree done that already. Not taking any action against these perpetrators is emboldening them and that can mean just one thing it will get worse much worse soon. Some one should tell the democrats they cannot appease them! Perhaps that is the goal of these politicians allowing this to continue. However the question should be would the so called democrats risk destroying the whole nation in an attempt to take total control of the United States? So far it looks like the answer is yes they would.
The politicians who are running these cities are all socialist democrats in other words a form of socialism is their goal right here in the United States. In order to not realize that fact one must be locked up on a desert island for the last ten years or so. Obama even promised it if you remember. Fundamental transformation remember? After he made that promise he also promised a federal police force just as well funded, trained and equipped as the United States military remember.
Just what did the promise of these two things propose? Fundamental transformation in regards to the US means changing it from a Constitutional Representative Republic with a free enterprise economic system into something else. Insinuating it would become a socialist nation of one kind or another. The hint was it would become communist with a touch of Islam. All communist, marxist and fascist nations are based on socialism. None, not even one of those countries, has ever prospered for individuals. In other words none have ever worked out for the people! What these so called democrats are purposing is a communist nation and a so called democrat dictator.
I personally do not believe the United States of America’s citizens will ever hold still (in other words peacefully allow their guns to be confiscated) for such a transformation there will be a war first. It is not possible that anyone can or ever will get all the guns from citizens here in the United States. Think about this; somewhere around half the nation are gun owners and that is a very conservative estimate it could be much higher. That means somewhere around 150 to 175 million people. Furthermore, the average number of guns in peoples hands is estimated at nine (9). If those figures are even close to correct you do the math and you will understand why no one will ever confiscate all of the guns here. There are just to damn many! Also very likely another reason is the citizens will just not comply with any law telling them they must turn their guns in. If the citizens do not cooperate with such a law how will government ever get them all? All such a law will do is send them underground.
All guns were banned, forbidden if you will, in occupied France after it fell to Germany. However, still the French underground had weapons even though it was the death penalty if caught with a weapon. In most cases shot on the spot. The Germans did not attempt to allow due process. They considered the French to be worthless. Much like the so called democrats see conservatives today! Consequently, we can learn much from what happened in Europe and Asia for what may happen here if we Americans give up our weapons. That must never happen here. In Europe and Asia over one hundred seventy million citizens were murdered, executed brutally in most cases, by their own governments! Think about that for a moment that is about half the population of the United States of America. Oh I know people say such a thing could not happen here in the USA well let me tell you that is exactly what they thought in Europe and Asia also! They were wrong. Let their mistake be a lesson to us! Once their guns were gone it was to late and the massacre started almost immediately. Millions were rounded up and marched to open pits and shot execution style, some were starved to death (like in Ukraine), others were beaten to death or hung. Make no mistake about it there will be no leniency if surrendering to these people because their objective just like that of the Nazi in Germany was to get rid of its enemies their objective will be to get rid of us for we are their enemy. Because we who prefer freedom from government control, as long as we are alive, will be a threat to their existence. Never forget that. Right now it is possible to see the hate in the eyes of these make believe democrats.
In the final analysis, we are in the fight of our life to save our nation and many do not even realize it yet. If what is now going on is not soon curtailed completely it will evolve into a shooting war. We are almost there now. Make no mistake about that.
Bravo! Well said. "Socialism is wonderful until you run out of other people's money"---Margaret Thatcher. Back in the late 80's I visited East Berlin which was the show case of Communism or should I say CONmunism. The place was a mess. Stores had empty shelves. You had to wait 35 minutes to be waited on in a restaurant. The STASI were everywhere spying on people especially tourists. Walking down the street you could see the remains of WWII with bullet holes still in the walls. The tour instructions were not to buy any food stuffs since there was not enough food for the East Germans. It was a real re-education of what socialism/communism is all about. I say re-education since "they" have been brainwashing us about how wonderful socialism is as compared to our economic system. So when the socialist take over they will do the same procedures that the Communists did when they took over Russia. The only difference is that they will do it SLOWLY, step by step, they will enslave us and then if we fight back they will enslave us or kill us. The Communists on the other hand are more honest about it, i.e., when they take over if you don't cooperate they will enslave you or kill you right away, i.e., it won't be a slow process like the deceitful socialists. The Millenials have been brainwashed by the socialists running the school systems. The teachers must turn liberal, or else. They have to teach the socialist pap-crap or they will be without a job. Eventually, they start to believe this BS themselves.
This current violence is being controlled and funded by the communists and their masters, the globalists. If you want to find out what is going on FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL. This insane business of defunding the police or getting rid of them is exactly what the communists did when taking over Russia some 80+ years ago. In order to get control the police must go. In order to get the population to agree they must turn the people into sheeple. One of their methodologies is to immasculate men, i.e., turn them into wimps. Another is to make women more masculine and to convince them that the killing of their own flesh and blood babies is their absolute right. Knowing that the communists/socialists cannot bring down the USA with force, as mentioned above by Don, they must convince the sheeple that morality is nonsense and that you can do whatever you want to whomever you want. One of their goals is to get rid of the conscience which indicates to people what is right or wrong, i.e., controls their behavior voluntarily. They know, profoundly, that they must destroy Christianity, especially the largest Christian Church, the Roman Catholic Church. Known this for more than 100 years they have managed to inflitrate the Catholic Church and to influence it to be more liberal instead of reverential and having solid adherence to the 10 Commandments and all that it requires. This explains why the Bishops and some of the priests are afraid to come all out against abortion. They have managed to water down the strictness and reverence and the humility and the formation of a solid conscience. The Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, recognized that for a free people to function the nation must have freedom of religion and not to do anything that would interfere with that important freedom since it would result in people having a conscience that would lend itself to a self-regulation of their behavior thus enabling Liberty and Freedom to prevail in lieu of having a soldier or policeman standing on ever corner to ensure that people behaved, something like the STASIs of communist East Germany. What does freedom mean: it means in a Judao-Christian meaning that we can be free to do what we ought to do and does not mean that we can do anything that we want so long as we can get away with it or pass laws to allow evil to be legal like Roe/Wade. Americans need to wake up and realize that our Freedoms and Liberty are based soundly on Christianity and that without the restraint of Christianity we will SUFFER UNBRIDLED EVIL as it surfaces unbridled violence, greed, legalized murder, unending war for profit which always ends up as a loss, e.g., causes inflation, destruction of family life, unhealthy living, pollution, lieing media, wallstreet crookery, unbridled Federal Reserve abuses, fiat money inflation, economic harm to mainstreet, confusion, and an unending list of evils that people have been enduring for too long. WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! God is waiting for you to come back to him so He can bless your lives and your good and sound endeavors. He is waiting patiently so don't push the envelope of his Holy Patience.
Marlene, just for the record, they use the "koruna" in the Czech Republic no the krona.
We are winning. We have the presidency and the best president ever in that position, we have the Senate, and we have the most SCOTUS judges appointed by conservatives. Trump will lead us to victory, and he will continue to make America great again. He has done an amazing job in the first 3 1/2 years. Every American can see how much better America is today than it was in January 2017, when Trump took over the chaos and fiscal shambles obummer left behind. That's why Trump will win with a landslide and he will take the House back as well. Don't forget that we lost the House when Trump was not running, but he is running in November again. The large majority of Americans truly love this man and support him no matter what.
I realize that the pres is mad at how these cities are now. I am too so are many others I agree he needs to take charge. The mayors and governors are doing nothing. HE has to be the one to do it. Security of the nation is at stake and BLM and other anarchists cannot run wild.
I hope he does not give them money but he needs to impose law and order back to the cities.
Also, lockdowns must end.
Don't underestimate the Democrats!!!!!
He may be stepping into a Democratic trap. Beware of the Dems ....don't underestimate now and at the election. Trump has got to deal with turned-off Millenials who are definitely leaning toward socialism. They may cost him the election.