
  • Worst ever! A real stink!

  • Wallace's preface for setting up the question to the President put Wallace in the Debate as a participant. Wallace's fraudulent claims leading up to the question were disgraceful. The President had every right to become angry over such blatant bias and disgraceful interference in the debate. Moderators are supposed to be neutral. Wallace acted more like a participant in the debate than a moderator.

    • Ronald, Wallace doesn't matter. Trump won hands down anyway. He showed his leadership qualities, how decisive and strong he is. Sleepy joe was a shadow. We saw the contrast between the two candidates: one strong, the other weak. It isn't even a fair contest, with or without Wallace.

  • the things that I like about Trump is He is a fighter that's what I like about Trump he can take all the bull that the media throw at him and he came back and beat them on their own turn.

  • There were no standards of decency or impartiality or respect shown in this debate. It was a sickening pile up.

    • you are right Jea9 but you have to understand that the Democrats and some of the Republican doesn't like Donald Trump especially Chris Wallace in my opinion Wallace lost the debate.

    • Correct Jeff! The President and Biden, neither one, could be a clear winner because Wallace injected himself into the debate. He created a debate between himself and the President, which was out of place, totally! Worst moderator ever! His ego got the best of him‼️‼️

    • I couldn't agree more that's the I feel about Wallace he lost the debate and it's not going to get better.


    • Jea9 ... a debate is war waged in words ... not for pussy cats. Leo Durocher (manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers) said it best "nice guys finish last"

    • I can handle tough questions and answers, but when the so-called moderator becomes antifa on stage, piling up so neither candidate get get a coherent paragraph out in the air, it is just too far. 

      We have never had a debate done so badly or so agressively, ever, that I can remember. I don't need pretend debates putting manners first, but actual questions and actual answers, should have happened. This was a mess on all countrs. 

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