When I look at the last four years and how our country seemed to get more divided than any time since the Civil War, it's easy to conclude that President Trump is the reason it occurred. From the moment he declared war on the corruption in D.C., he became a target of all those entrenched power brokers who have been able to hide their venal activities from an unsuspecting public. Trump became the loudest whistleblower in history when he talked about draining the swamp that had been operating like an organized crime family for generations. In order for a Mafia-like mob to operate effectively, it must keep its nefarious pursuits from public exposure. Hence, President Trump had to be destroyed!
Like most people, when I was growing up, I heard the phrase "no one is above the law" many times. It was a saying that provided a definition of what justice means. If someone punched you in the nose without provocation, you were confident that you could call a cop and have the puncher arrested. But suppose the ruffian was related to the police chief or the mayor? Would his chances of conviction for assault be the same as if he were the son of the local electrician or plumber? Nepotism and other forms of favoritism seem to be part of the DNA in all of us. We want to protect our own, so we'll use whatever resources we have to keep them out of trouble.
We can apply that reasoning to national politics as well. Once upon a time, if politicians were caught in a corruption probe, they would quickly resign their offices and attempt to hide from the embarrassing publicity, while praying that they would not go to jail. In addition, when public officials were exposed as incompetent, reckless, or negligent in the performance of duty, they'd step down amid a swirling tide of public outrage. Not anymore! These days, it takes a lot more than bribery, mismanagement, or mendacity during congressional hearings to remove these reprobates from office. It seems as though we've arrived at a time in which those in power have rigged the system to keep from being penalized for their crimes. They'll destroy anyone who threatens their comfortable position at the top of the crooked food chain.
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We the People don't find out about most of the corruption because the Pravda/Goebbels propagandists are paid by the same globalist billionaire cartel as the political ruling class are. On top of that there is NO humility in the political ruling class. The arrogance is off the charts.
We the people know that Trump is the only person who can be trusted, who tells the truth, who keeps his promises. He is a selfless, humble, and awesome public servant who lends his tremendous talents to the good of the country. How many wildely successful business men like him would give up making billions and service their beloved country instead?
Politics has always had its share of corruption. Read the book, The First Tycoon, The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt, by T.J. Stiles. There were politicians just as corrupt as today.
Trump is the reason. I call bs on that. The reason that the country is so divided is because some of us want the country we were promised, the country where the government was of the people, by the people and for the people. Not a country run by bureaucrats that hate the people and all they crave is power. That is what is dividing the country - we who love this country are finally standing up against the people who hate our constitution, who use it only as they want which is usually to destroy, and the Anti-Americans.
What is the proper name for a group of Babbons...."a congress"....NUFF SAID...