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  • It;s more than obvvious, that massive voter fraud has occurred here and continues; obviously the democommies know they can never win unless they lie, cheat, steal and even kill, to get what they want.  Seriously, I believe that's been ongoing since 1963, when JFK was assassinated.  We certainly know "who" profited from that- - -the criminal, LBJ AND his "lady bird", who was NO lady - -she had her own political and monetary aspirations.

  • We are with the President they have been after him since day one of his presidency and they want us to agree Biden won when he spent months on the basement 

    • He spent months in the basement because the dems knew , through fraud, that their was no need to go out and compain when they knew the election is fixed! 

  • Check this. I can't copy it, if true is great , but not seeing it on tv yet.
    • This information is misinformation... it is not official.

    • Ron ... are you saying that the info in the link is incorrect?

    • No, I am only stating that we need to be careful not to fall for misinformation... designed to get us upset and to make statements that cause us to appear unstable and reactionary.  We need at least two known and reliable sources before accepting such information.

    • No, I am only stating that we need to be careful not to fall or misinformation... designed to get us upset and too make statements that cause us to appear unstable and reactionary.  We need at least two known and reliable sources before accepting such information.

  • I believe something like that would happen because from the beginning the Democrats hate Trump and this is payback to keep America a socialist, communist nation and the Democrats finally win. 

    • I've long believed that the Dems have been and are dishonest and want to dupe our people into bringing Socialism/Communism to the US of A.

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