
  • Trump Won! That's It!

  • Trump is my President there is no way in the universe Biden got 80 million votes unless they are fake votes and nobody is going to call me a lier 

  • The Media has crossed over the line... They are now engaged in full-blown sedition and treason. America is witnessing the final stages of an internal covert Marxist insurgency go overt.  The Marxists in the Democrat Party believe they have sufficiently undermined our government to complete the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA.  This is confirmed by the Marxist dominated media, as the install VP Biden as the President-Elect and the Demat Party openly promotes its Marxist agenda for the Biden Administration.  America We are viewing  ASYMETRICALL WARFARE, as modern wars are too dangerous to fight with conventional weapons.  Asymeticiacll wars are often covert, fought with proxy agents, cyber interdiction, propaganda, mass migration, and other forms of unconventional war that lend themselves to plausible deniability.  We are at WAR and most of America doesn't know it.

    We are witnessing the final phase of a decades-old covert Marxist insurgency taking place... Biden is busy stealing an election, forming a parallel government, should Trump win he will attempt to install his own cabinet and to have Trump evicted by force from the Oval Office. This is why he established the Office of President-Elect, a fraudulent office, and is appointing his cabinet... It is why Sen. Schumer wants to hold confirmation hearings, on Biden's cabinet, BEFORE he is confirmed and sworn in as President. all of this is theater to promote a false narrative in the MSM that Biden has been elected and when his claims fail in court he will use the illusion of his election to attempt to remove Pres. Trump by force of Arms ... by sending in the US Navy Seals.

    The President needs to Declare Martial Law... using the Military to locate, detain and try all the leadership in the Democrat Party, and the key organizers and management of the election fraud...  along with nearly all of the MSM CEOs, Board members, and key anchors. He needs to shut down the MSM until further notice.  He can use Military psyops units and the emergency broadcast system to keep the public informed until he has rounded up all of those accused of insurrection, sedition, and treason within the government and the MSM.  He can offer amnesty to those subordinates in government and the MSM who admit to their crimes and ask for clemency, in exchange for their cooperation in the prosecution of the insurrection and coup attempt.

    • Welcome to the New America.

    • P/S the big tech companies... Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc, all need to have their access to the internet denied during the round-up of the insurrectionist and coup members... including those in their own operations that are indicated as partaking in or as accessories to the coup attempt.

  • Trump Is Right And Is My President! 

  • Remember the METOO movement? I am now calling for a "WE WILL NOT FORGET MOVEMENT"

    • EXACTLY! I will stand by you, my friend.

    • Agreed!

  • This is no longer about Trump vs Biden for President it's about our Constitution & our Country. Do you want Freedom or Socialism IF DEMOCRATS get  Control then AMERICA IS NO LONGER this is not good for US or our Children. It's TIME TO #FIGHTBACKFORAMERICA

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