Trump Again Puts AMERICA FIRST – Redirects Over $50 BILLION AWAY From Immigrant  Welfare Back To Americans! – enVolve | Welfare, Trump, Immigration

President Trump’s administration is weighing more crackdowns to ensure American taxpayers are not footing the bill for the cost of legal immigrant welfare dependents to the United States.

Last year, the Trump administration published a new regulation that made it more difficult for welfare-dependent legal immigrants seeking green cards to permanently resettle in the U.S. The regulation, previous estimates have stated, equates to a nearly $60 billion tax cut for American taxpayers.

A new regulation being weighed by the administration would make sure that American citizen sponsors of foreign nationals for green cards have the means to cover all the associated costs.

“Specifically, this proposed rule would require sponsors and household members who execute an Affidavit or Contract to provide Federal income tax returns for three years, credit reports, credit scores, and bank account information,” the proposed regulation states.

The regulation is designed to have citizens prove they can maintain the required income that it takes to sponsor a foreign national for a green card, whether that be a relative or a possible employee.

Also, the regulation would effectively prevent citizens who are dependent on welfare from sponsoring foreign nationals for green cards unless they have an additional sponsor who has not taken welfare.

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