Trumped up Charges

Source; O. Long


We've all heard the phrase "Trumped Up", meaning something was falsely created, largely out of thin air.  
It was never more applicable than the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago where the FBI supposedly found classified documents, many stamped "Top Secret", scattered all over the floor of Trump's estate.  
The fact is, THERE WERE NO CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS AT TRUMP'S ESTATE! ! !   As President, Trump had the authority to declassify any document he liked, period!  Trump has previously and publicly stated that he declassified everything he removed when leaving the White House.  Ergo, the FBI/government's "classified document" case is a patent lie!  
It is now coming to light that the entire scene was staged by the FBI.  According to enterprising and honest reporters (yes, some still exist), the FBI arrived at the estate with cover sheets marked "Top Secret", "Secret", and "Confidential", then placed them on various "documents" and carefully laying them all over the floor to give the impression that Trump had said documents at his estate and was so careless that he just threw them onto the floor where anyone could see and read them.  They even searched Melania's and Barron's rooms and clothes.  Really?!  
I have long had a problem with the FBI's scenario.  Trump is well known as a neat freak and germaphobe.  Throwing anything on the floor would be entirely out of character for him. 
If the FBI knew (and they almost certainly did) that there were no classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, WHY did they find it necessary to arrive with fake cover sheets bearing classified markings?  
When I was a cop and did a drug raid, I did NOT arrive with drugs to plant in the location.  If I knew there were almost certainly drugs at the location, I certainly did not need to plant them, right?    
We still do not know what was in the 'supposedly' classified "documents".  All we were shown were the cover sheets with various classified markings.  
We were never told what the probable cause for the raid was.  Probable Cause is defined as "Facts or apparent facts that would lead a man of reasonable caution to conclude that a crime has been, is being, or will be committed".  What was the probable cause?  We were never told and almost certainly never will be told.  Where is the affidavit for a search warrant, sworn to by the FBI, laying out said probable cause?  
The FIRST thing the FBI did upon arriving at the estate was to turn off all the CCTV cameras, apparently so they could operate in secret and plant the "evidence".  Trump was out of town and watching the initial stages of the raid when the cameras went blank.  He immediately called his attorney who rushed to the estate and demanded the cameras be turned back on.  It took the FBI twenty-five -- TWENTY-FIVE -- minutes to turn the cameras back on, giving them plenty of time to finish staging the scene.  
Meanwhile, Joe Biden had classified documents in his garage with his corvette, documents he stole as a US Senator and Vice-President.  As a senator, and even as Vice President, he was never authorized to have classified documents in his personal possession, yet he did.  Where was the FBI raid on Biden's house and garage?  
In the Navy I had a Top-Secret clearance.  Even so, I was not authorized to have or keep documents in my possession.  I could only print and disseminate them, but never keep them.  The same rule applies to Biden, even as a Senator or Vice-President.  
It is becoming increasingly obvious that the entire DOJ and FBI structure is hopelessly corrupt and has been entirely politicized.  More and more people are saying that the FBI might have to be entirely disbanded and restructured from the ground up.  
This story is still growing but, so far, not a peep from the mainstream media.  
Trump is now on trial in the "Documents Case", based entirely on the Mar-a-Lago raid.  Judge Cannon is becoming increasingly skeptical of the FBI's case.  This revelation will hopefully cause her to throw the entire case into the dumpster where it belongs.  We'll see.  We can only hope.  
If (a big "if") this story breaks into the mainstream news cycle, it could cement a Trump election victory in November.  If not, we have clearly become third-world banana country where political opponents are threatened, jailed, and even killed.  
I have also long said that the establishment will stop at nothing -- NOTHING -- to keep Trump out of the presidency, including killing him.  
What the establishment wants more than anything is for us to go back to the good old days of milk-toast, incompetent politicians.  Then, all will be [right] in their world.  

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  • All these agencies must be defunded. FIB, CIA. NSA, BLM, ATF, EDU and more.

  • Trying to get Trump out of the way at any cost, in any way!

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