Let me start by saying that in my life I have had several events, some near death and some that I am quite proud of. In my 76 years, I have learned that even I can say that there has been both good and bad things that I have done. Those I have to live with, the good and the bad. I trust that we all can find some of this in your own lives.
When Donald Trump became President and in the 4 years following, we all felt that the changes he made began to make us feel like the America that many gave their lives to create and maintain, from back in 1775 to the point of Trump's promises and actions - a rebirth of what the Founders intended.
There was a feeling of euphoria that was lost when his re-election failed in 2020. any things seemed quite irregular, and I still think that there were divisive activities in play that denied us a President that we admired and wanted to continue for four more years. However, life is not always what we want. We simply need to move on and work for the best.
In the background, and moving into our realm of appreciation was a governor on Florida named Ron DeSantis. Having lived in Florida for 21 years, I began to see that things were changing shortly after his election. And, things kept getting better. Both he and Trump were lights in darkness since Republican California (born and raised in) had turned democratic by the time I returned from Vietnam.
I was sympathetic and in agreement with Trump after the four years of attacks and the obvious debacle of the 2020 election, and even more so during the Mar A Lago event. But, when bad happens, it is usually impassable to erase. When there is no recourse, it can only be an unfortunate memory, not a life's work and obsession.
My hopes had been that in 2224 Trump would be his Vice President and follow as President for eight years. Then, the United States would be financially solvent and in accord with what the Founder's envisioned, an example for the world.
Instead, Trump continued to cry over 2020 and even began his usual name calling, this time, however, directed at DeSantis. This threat to his intended hopes for a presidential run in 2024 caused me to consider Trump's vindictiveness as more of a threat to our freedoms that Stalin was to the Russian people.
I simply hope that MAGA survives, without Donald Trump. And that Ron DeSantis becomes the President beginning in January 2025.