
    The Democrats are Godless, and to a lesser extent so are the Republicans!     Supporters of Trump will only prevail if they turn their hearts to God, as this is a spiritual battle.   Please read THE HARBINGER BY JONATHAN CAHN, it is a real eye opener! 
  • The Democrats are Godless, and to a lesser extent so are the Republicans!     Supporters of Trump will only prevail if they turn their hearts to God as this is a spiritual battle.   Please read THE HARBINGER BY JONATHAN CAHN, it is a real eye opener!

  • Dual citizenship requires an oath of allegiance to both nations... the US Law doesn't allow this and the Naturalization Oath of Citizenship by law REQUIRES one to forsake and disavow loyalty to all other sovereigns.  It would violate one's naturalization oath to claim dual citizenship.  It is morally and technically impossible to legally be a dual citizen of the US and any other nation.  Globalists and Marxists find great solace in such folly.

    US law governing such status has not changed...  However, in recent years LAWYERS and JUDGES have ignored the ban on dual citizenship for US Citizens.  They have liberalized such folly by refusing to prosecute dual citizens... thus, wrongfully permitting US Citizens to retain citizenship in the US while holding citizenship in a foreign nation.  The abandonment of common sense has resulted in some individuals holding and seeking elected public office (in both countries) as a dual citizen of both.

    What happened to the once clear prohibition on dual citizenship for US Citizens... the law governing such status has not changed.  However, in recent years the law governing dual citizenship has been, redefined and ignored.  The Glodalists and Marxists have liberalized such folly by refusing to prosecute dual citizenship... thus, wrongfully permitting US Citizens to retain US citizenship while holding citizenship in a foreign nation.  Such abandonment of common sense has permitted dual citizens to hold elected public office (in both countries without surrendering their foreign or US citizenship.



    • Not so excellent, not correct! If in fact dual citizenship was illegal, it could not exist in the States, as it doesn't exist in many countries that do not allow dual citizenship!  The USA does not require people who become US citizens to give up their citizenship of origin. 
      America does not recognize my Hungarian citizenship, nor does Hungary recognize my American citizenship. Those who haven't been through this process have no clue what it takes to make these steps. It's like having to disown your family, a part of you is lost, where you place your loyalty at this point is entirely up to you, that's where the requirements, the oath comes in. I was born a Hungarian citizen, I did not swear an oath, nor did I approve of the government of my birthland. The land itself and its people, the history I love to this day, it's a part of me, in parts it made me who I am, to deny it would be denying myself.
      I chose America as my home, the future home of my children, and becoming a citizen was a serious decision with soul searching, deep thinking involved. 
      I fully agree with the founders not allowing foreign born citizens to be president, I think they should have taken it a step further and not allow any service in public office for any of us in that position (we would not have the likes of Omar, etc,) When the likes of her became American citizens, an honor was bestowed upon them that they didn't deserve, they did not mean their oath obviously,  and they are endangering the country. As I said before, dual citizenship isn't the problem, the problem is America is giving it like candy to undeserving people!  If these people have dual citizenship, they never committed to the United States, they are not serving two masters, their master pushed them to take political office to push THEIR goal, agenda, they are not serving america at all......they are spies! 

    • There are plenty of cases that can lead to dual citizenship. If you are a Hungarian mother and the father of your children is a US citizen, your children are born with dual citizenship wherever they are born. If both of you are Hungarian and the children are born in the US, they also have dual citizenship, same as it would be in Canada. If you can prove Irish ancestry, the Irish government gives you an Irish passport and you do not have to renounce your US citizenship. Then there are the rich folks who buy themselves another citizenship or more than one without having to renounce their original one. And then there are the famous ones who are given dual citizenship like Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was even a Republican/rino governor in a failed and radical left state.

    • Such B/S... read the Immigration and Naturalization Act... This Act defines how one becomes a US Citizen and dual citizenship is not one of them.  In fact, the naturalization process and oath or allegiance PROHIBITS DUAL CITIZENSHIP... albiet, our courts, State Department, and DOJ are confused regarding the clear meaning of the law... Why should we be surprised, when lawyers and Supreme Court Justices have a problem defining what a woman is or for that matter, what 'is' means?

      For More Information on who qualifies for US nationality (citizenship) see: 8 U.S. Code Part I - Nationality at Birth and Collective Naturaliza...:  

      8 U.S. Code Part I - Nationality at Birth and Collective Naturalization
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