
  • We must stop worrying about how the LEFT views or portrays our actions... No matter what the President does, short of total capitulation, the left will not be daunted in their ridicule and brazen attacks against the President and the Constitution.  America's leaders must focus their attention on doing what is CORRECT for the hour... The FBI, DOJ, and Judiciary, have all clearly abdicated their duty to enforce the law equally and judiciously.  The civil government has demonstrated an incapacity to indict senior members of the Government and those leaders in our civil institutions and culture who have violated the law. This includes members of the MSM. 

    Whenever the civil authority refuses or is unable to enforce the law... or the government begins the systematic dismantling of the Public's civil liberties, while operating under the 'color of law', it is time to invoke 'Martial Law' to restore the Constitutional rule of law.  Our Government has demonstrated a series of abuses so grievous and destructive to its purpose that the People must now restore Constitutional order or risk losing their Constitutional Republic to the tyranny of depots operating as their government. 

    The use of the Pandemic to subvert our Constitutional liberties is not only unconstitutional it is clearly an attack on our liberty and the Nation as a whole. The ultimate goal of this pandemic is the destruction of our government and the subverting of our Constitution.  It is time to arrest Dr. Fauci and his cohorts of liberal activism. He originated, created this virus, sent it to China with funding, and China finished its weaponization and then released it to destroy our culture and cripple the world.  Martial law will be required to remove the cancer... it has metastasized and now infects most of our government agencies.

    • Thank you for posting. While I intended this video to expose any and all to a formal explanation of a political/social phenomenon (confusing to many), I won't know if anyone notices the thing unless they speak up. And isn't voicing one voice, one man, one vote, at the core of our participatory process?

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