
  • He is right.  It won't be long before fox cans him for not bowing to their new fake news agenda!!!!!

  • We always knew that Biden's supposedly large lead was fake news. The MSM can't help but lie. Trump will really need to control the media a lot better in his second term.

  • Better learn to speek Madarin!!  If Biden wins we're just a satellite of the C.C.P.


  • The "news" is no longer the news, it's just a version of entertainment.

    • Joseph, not "entertainment", IT IS pravda/goebbels PROPAGANDA

    • Entertaining?



    • Not entertainment. but part of a gigantic psy-op over America.

  • Very Disappointed in our News Media; and dont watch TV MEDIA, any more. Waste of time.

    In this day and age, you cannot even find out who won the Presidency.. that is pretty bad.

    • Donna, I watch One America News and Newsmax only, they tell the truth!!!!!

    • tell me about it this is sick.

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