— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 8, 2020
If you watch the above clip, what you’ll see is a Beijing-based professor bragging about China’s ability to settle affairs with the United States in their favor. But it’s his admission that that’s only possible because the CCP has people placed he calls “old friends” in upper positions of power across the influence sectors in the country. He’s obviously talking about government inroads, but he also specifically mentions someone being the vice president at a major Wall Street firm. At another point, he notes an American woman who now has dual Chinese citizenship and lives part of the year in Beijing. Why that’s important is that the communist nation does not allow dual citizenship. You do the math on that.
Things got more damning, though. The professor goes on to talk specifically about President Trump and how he’s blown up China’s ability to control American interests and bend them in their favor. The trade war is specifically mentioned here, with it being noted that Wall Street “tried to help” but couldn’t do much because Trump held an adversarial position against the financial institutions in question. Unsurprisingly, we hear about how easy Barack Obama’s administration was to manipulate in comparison. The professor even brags about having so many people near the levers of power during that time, but they couldn’t “fix Trump” in his words.
read more here:
Damn right Biden family is compromised. All the child porn on Hunter's laptop will be used to parlay top secret information and favorable trade policies for China. Mark my words. Bidens are in bed with china. Despicable
Col Ron,
I believe they are all involved against Trump, Meaning our Goverment!
This is direct evidence of espionage and possibly leads to treason... this must go viral and the FBI and DOJ must act or become implicated as complicit and culpable in this massive betrayal... Spying, espionage, bribes, loans ... financial compromise are all present here.
Totally agree here Col. Ron!!
Trump's honesty is what infuriates the left the most. He can't be bought and can't be intimidated and they hate him for his integrity because they have NONE!!!!!
This reaches way beyond Biden deep into the inner workings of Government... these long term relationships (since the 70-s) should have been picked up by the CIA and FBI... the DOJ is compromised. There is no way the FBI doesn't know and therefore is complicit with criminal and treasonous conduct.
With so many compromised it will take MARTIAL LAW to root it out...It will require the careful selection of troops and commanders needed to round up all the implicated individuals for detention and indictment... These individuals must be isolated and detained without bail, it is imperative that a lockdown on the MSM occurs and where leaks occur.... immediate arrest and removal of those involved must occur.
This entire situation is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to our National Security... It requires the immediate action of the President and those agencies he deems capable of properly addressing these criminal acts, it is obvious the DOJ and FBI, the CIA, and others are not trustworthy. The President's go-to force then becomes the US Military and even they must be screened and closely-monitored during the round-up of these criminals in the Government.
*-Ron, you are correct. the deep state, controled by satan and financed by soros and his billionaire cabal has been growing like cancer for a very long time. It is almost to the final stage of the final stage. death of our Repulic is near. I daily pray for God's touch on our nation to undo the evil the devildemocommiecrats and their gop coconspirators bring to our nation
Col. Ron ... 'til now I thought you were over the top ... no more. Tucker's video is damning!!
I am sorry to disappoint you, Mitch... however, you may be over-reacting to my call for Martial Law...read my explanation below Dale's comments... And know this Martial Law as practiced by the US Military is not dictatorial... it answers to Civilian Authority at all times and can be ended as quickly as it is engaged. The Military doesn't order it and it doesn't retire it For more read my comments below.
After January 20th.
It is good to know what's on the plate though.
Lets not forget the far far behind the scenes actors of the NWO. Those internationally should be "cashed out" with prejudice.
A dead serious example and reminder.