
  • Nuremberg 2.  Guilty. 

  • Fauci and all of them should be in jail

    • Actually, after trial and conviction, they should all be executed- - for international genocide, OR crimes against humanity - - whichever you prefer to call it.  There was nothing "voluntary" about any of this; "faux fauci" and cohorts concocted the lie and kept it going, MSM harped on it and kept spreading the propaganda and keeping it in front of everyones' face 24/7. They managed to scare the wits out of normally sane, sensible people and, of course, our commie infested government just could NOT "let a good crisis go to waste!" Don't know if any of you have noticed, or not, but the idiot MSM channels are all still pushing vaccines AND boosters! What a waste of advertising $$$ and air space!

  • When did mandatory start meaning Voluntary. Mandating an experimental drug is a Violation of the Nuremberg code and the penality for that is Death

    • Exactly but the crooks like Fauci and crew don't think they have to follow the same rules they expect us to follow.....which includes the whole Demonrat/Rino parties.

  • We are not doing this the way you want it...  this foreign correspondent could not believe the hostility and censure taking place in the USA.... he probably has more leeway to question authority in Africa than in our White House Press room....

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