
  • They (other countries) do not allow GMO foods. Multiple countries do not allow our food into their borders or people. Some are because of dyes, some are oils, pink slime is one additive, chlorine treated chicken, pork, growth hormones are kept out of 160 of the 196 countries in the world, along with certain breads, frozen dinners, fat-free products, chewing gum, farmed salmon (fed astazanthin that causes eye damage), Fruit loops, fake blueberries in cereals, M&M's, Maraschino cherries, wax-coated apples, chocolate milk, ketchup, potato chips, American cheese, Coffee-Mate, anything made with High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Palm oil, artificial sweeteners, Stevia or trans-fats.

    Hope none of you or yours are eating any of this poison. Is it any wonder London, England, remodeled theaters to make double-wide seats for Americans? (2003)

    • Correct! Europe in general will not take any of our flour and products made with it. When in Europe you notice the difference in digestion, flavor of everything, even the beers are totally different, one does not get bloated from any of it. 

    • A few years ago, I met a couple at a cooking class, who had just returned from Italy. They both said that within 3 days there, they both felt better. No details, just that.

  • Yes, a traitor for exposing big pharmaceutical, our crap foods.  They over medicate people who don't even need it, and look at the food they serve in there anything there that is actually good for anyone? 

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