
  • Well, my view is harsh as hell, Not only is it harsh, it is public and not private.

    First, I love Tucker Carlson.  Make a point to watch him when I can.

    Second, in this message he is wrong.  He did not 'hit it out of the park'.  He apparently doesn't know the bottom line truth of the matter, or his writers do not, or it could be that they purposely overlook it. Whatever the case, Tucker is left with misleading the very people he is supposedly there to correctly, honestly, and truthfully inform.  One cannot take a single result from blatant criminality, and then blame it on Donald Trump. Not if you know what the hell is going on.

    Trump has been blamed for everything since November of 2016. Everything. If your milk rots in the fridge it is due to Trump. He should see to it that it last longer. Yes, Trump is to " take care that the laws be faithfully executed" in accordance with the US Constitution.  Nevertheless, it is important to understand that this Nation, of which the Constitution is written for, is composed of 50 states, within which are numerous counties, cities, towns and unicorporated communities, all of them with their respective form of governance, containing all sorts of Regulations, Codes, Charters, Resolutions and laws, and some of those are emphatically un-Constitutional as well.

    What makes some irrate is that Trump has not declared Martial Law as a result of what is allowed, perpetuated and promoted in some of the Democrat controlled states and cities. It is all, ALL designed to get rid of Donald J. Trump.  Trump's crime is being elected.  The criminal Left is doing every damned, despicable, act that they can to insure that he is not re-elected.

    The crime and violence, looting, rioting and burning, is NOT the  fault of Trump.  It is the FAULT of the DEMOCRATS.  Get that trough your healthy minds(Thick Heads).  Martial Law is NOT the answer.  If it were, Martial Law should have been declared long ago on the entire states of California, New York, and others as well.

    Sadly, and harshly, the stupid damned people have elected these sorry stooges to rule over them.  And they want good results for doing it?  How stupid can one be?

    As Carlson correctly said, everything that happens in an election year is political.  Martial Law would only aid the Democrat Party, Biden and Harris.  Is that what the hell you want? Wise up. Before it is too late, not afterwards.

    Tucker Carlson. Whose fault is it?  Who are the real criminals here?  Why are they engaged in this crap?  Yes, Why?  Do a damned program on that!


    • Dale, all I can say is YIKES!!!! This grueling war of political attrition with the start of the Trump administration, sure has produced a lot of frayed nerves. Why not? The general direction and actual existence of the Nation itself is THE ELECTION OUTCOME.

      Let's not fool ourselves. Donald Trump is not a smooth talking (practiced liar) politician. Like George Washington, he is a natural leader. But also like Washinton, and officers serving the Executive like the retired  Colonel, the ability to take decisive action is highly valued. They have a real itch to get the job done. But I, like you, fret that the kind of unilateral Adminstration descretion and action ceded by Congress and tacitly sanctioned by the Judiciary could, by a strong arm dictator, be the swift end of our Republic. In fact, I do not see direct mention of a process for "emergency powers" to be vested in a Chief Executive by the Constitution at all (note that there are specific provisions for Presidential succession in crisis chain of command moments). Article 1,Section 8, paragraph 14 only says the President can provide for calling militias to supress Innsurections and repel invasions. Please clue me otherwise, but nowhere is the Federal government mentioned to be empowered to suspend civil liberties.  State or Federal statutes saying so are as valid as statutes directly infringing on the Second Amendment.

      Anyway, I say Carlson has hit the ball out of the park, in an honest appraisal of this President. For example, Trumps lack of 1st Amendment defense has been almost suicidal, as it is the social media folks that are censoring freedom of speech wholesale (to his loss). He is not flawless. Who is? But as a business President, not a party machine produced puppet, Trump has been breathtaking. He has done exceptionally well as an party-unsupported political newcomer in a grueling job at any time, and a 74 year old to boot! The best we have seen in quite a while and in Washingtons' ball park. IMHO

    • Have you ever thought that by enforcing the law Kamala Harris and Joe Biden would not be running for office... that they and much of the Marxist Democrat Party would be behind bars.  That those left holding office and running for office might just be righteous men and women?  We would not have the chaos we have in our communities and our nation would be at peace ... without open insurrection if the laws were ENFORCED... This is not merely a matter of the lawless conduct anymore, it involves the CRIMINAL Failure to enforce the law... Federal and Local.

      Lawless conduct demands an effective, and IMMEDIATE response by the law... not the fickle and arbitrary response we have been witnessing. The problem is not merely a lawless Democrat Party, it is a lawless GOP ... and its failure to FAITHFULLY EXECUTE THE LAW.  Justice delayed is justice denied.  Justice denied leads to the arbitrary application of the rule of law and the loss of order in society.  It has always been understood that swift justice is required for society to retain its confidence in government ... that is not happening.  The governments' primary duty is to faithfully enforce the rule of law.  When the rule of law is ignored chaos follows.

    • Was it Trump's fault that Obama parked his rear end in the Oval Office?  For eight years?

      And you are a member of the GOP.  Not me.  Why is that?

    • Of course, Trump is not responsible for Obama... However, it is Pres. Trump's responsibility to ensure that the FBI and DOJ faithfully execute the laws of the land. Under Pres. Trump's watch, the DOJ, and the FBI have failed to indict a single major political figure for violations of the law.  It is also his duty to end the ongoing insurrection and wanton destruction of property and lives, whenever the local and state officials refuse or are unable to do so. The Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to a Republican form of government and to be reasonably secure in their property and lives. The President is the primary Constitutional officer charged with that duty and he has failed to successfully discharge his duty...

      It is the Constitutional responsibility of the government to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and to provide for the common defense... Open insurrection is the government's responsibility to PUT DOWN, and when the local government refuses or is unable to do so, it is the Federal Governments's duty to step forward to end the civil unrest... riot and insurrection. The President doesn't need to be invited by the State or local government to put down insurrection and massive civil unrest.  The Constitution authorizes the President to act in defense of the civil rights of all citizens, thus ensuring the laws are faithfully executed.

      Donald Trump is the sitting President, not Obama... The Constitution charges him with the duty to ensure the laws are faithfully executed.  The open insurrection taking place across America is occurring under his watch. The government has so far failed in its primary duty, to provide for the domestic tranquility of all its citizens...

      Just whose fault is it that the laws are not faithfully being executed... today?  Please, do tell. 

    • You appear as one very eager to label Trump as being derelict in his Constitutional duty to declare Martial Law as the remedy for the lawlessness in those States and cities controlled by Democrats, who were elected by those who preferred Hillary Clinton, and to this very day reject the notion that Trump is a legitimate President.

      You, sir, are quick to pretend or impress others, in the fallacy that politics and political differences are merely a matter of differing opinions, and that the democrat party is political, and not criminal at all.

      I have news for you. It is not.  Have you even considered that the 911 call Tucker Carlson presented may not be a legitimate cry for help, but a staged one?  Have you even considered WHY the response was to tell the caller to call City Hall, even if it was legitimate? Has the City government cried out to their police, or the State for assistance to ENFORCE THE LAW?  Has the State asked Trump for HELP?

      Do tell, please, your theoretical answers to what the lying left is doing.  

      In direct answer to your 'do tell' question.  The Fault is that of the Democrat Party, and their stupid BLM, ANTIFA fools turned loose in the ongoing LAWLESS attempt to get rid of TRUMP.  I hope you can understand that.  

      Col. Nelson.  I am not your enemy. I am your friend.  If you don't like Trump, then don't vote for him.  It is that simple.  And if your guy Biden gets in office we can discuss the consequence of that nightmare, as long as there is a place to publicly discuss it that is.

    • No, the rule of law is not the responsibility of CRIMINALS to enforce... where did you ever get that concept?  As for the Marxist Democrat Party ... they are in fact an ongoing CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE.  It is the Constitutional Duty and Responsibility of the President (not the AG) to see that the laws be faithfully executed... By whatever lawful means he determines to be necessary... encluding Martial Law. I don't see the President taking that duty seriously, as the AG's and US Attorneys, the FBI, and its agents are all under his command and they certainly are not putting down the open insurrection or rounding up the domestic terrorist... Maybe because they are to busy investigating and prosecuting Gen Flynn or targeting men like Brad Parscale or Roger Stone.  In Fact, to this very day they are issuing more indictments for Troop supporters than Democrat operatives... go figure.

      I will vote for President Trump and I will also keep asking him to enforce the law... too, drain the swamp, too go after the BIG TIME CRIMINALS in the Democrat and GOP Parties.  The only staged events I know of were those Press Conferences stagged to announce smoking guns and unfulfilled promised to indict high-level criminal conduct.  In fact, I feel betrayed by the failure of the President to make a dent in the swamp. .Either indict and prosecute or keep the  BS under wraps... as such releases are clearly designed to placate those who support LAW AND ORDER... but are upset over the lack of action to drain the swamp.

      As to Martial Law... that is the only legal route for the Federal Government to use Federal Troops as agents of law enforcement. Whenever local and state governments refuse or are unable to provide the necessary law enforcement to protect their populations from domestic violence and insurrection... the statutorily and Constitutionally duty to do so falls to the President.  The President may legally us the Military, after invoking Martial Law, to restore law and order and too, guarantee and protect the safety, civil rights and property of US Citizens, from acts of insurrection and domestic terrorism.  The President has not done so... AND he doesn't need to be invited... Where governor's object I would suggest they be arrested as George Wallace was when he stood in the way of federal troops integrating the schools in his state.

      The Democrats have pulled out all the stops... and are engaging in a series of serious criminal acts.. .ranging from insurrection to supporting terrorist groups and domestic violence among other crimes.  It is past time for the President to address the nation with a list of specific criminal acts and the names of several ranking Democrats and or Republicans who have violated the laws of the US... targeting them for immediate arrest and removal to GITMO... along with invoking a state of 'martial law' ahead of the election cycle.... in order, to discourage widespread domestic terrorism and violence on election day.

      I will ask you once more... Who is the Constitutional Officer responsible for ENFORCING THE LAW?  Where does the BUCK STOP on law enforcement?

  • Colonel, I know you responded, yet I do not see your post.

    • I removed it and sent it by message to you directly... I decided my response was to harsh and would not serve the best interest of our cause to post it so close to election day.

    • P/S Please keep it private.

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