
  • The death of Jeff Epstein may have been more about the future of the dem party, so it doesn't come crashing down than anything else. These are all sick bastards.

  • Everyone knows that pedophilia runs deep among libtards and rinos.

  • Sick Pedophile!

  • In Creepy Ole Joes defense: He regularly showered with his teen daughter because every Wednsday aka: "Hump Day"  is also "Show and Don't Tell" day!

    • Joe makes Clinton look innocent.

  • He need a haircut.

  • The demented pervert showering with his daughter was just him being socially responsibile by trying to save water...


    sarc off.

  • We still need to stop the illegal ballot boxes, counterfeit ballots, dedd and illegal voters, and voting machine vote mainpulation!

    • True but the DOJ is just as crooked as the rest of our government which is just another organized crime organization.

    • Pass a Recall Amendment...recall the entire sitting government subject to new elections and appointments... including all sitting federal judges, US Attorneys, their assistants and the members of the SES.

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