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~ Featuring ~ 
China Rewriting the Bible 
to Align It With Communism
Arnold Ahlert   
Democrats delegitimize the Supreme Court 
because they fear losing power over the rest of us
by washingtonexaminer.com ~ “It is a decision of the Supreme Court,” Rep. scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi said in 2005, speaking about the eminent domain ruling in Kelo v. New London. “If Congress wants to change it, it will require legislation of a level of a constitutional amendment...So this is almost as if God has spoken.” This florid reverence for the high court ought not be lost on the reader, especially given where scumbag/liar-Pelosi and other Democrats find themselves today. As the Senate prepares to confirm President Trump’s third Supreme Court nominee, they have begun to say outright that the nomination and confirmation procedure outlined in the U.S. Constitution is illegitimate. In some cases, they are even insinuating that the court itself lacks legitimacy, for which outlandish claim the only visible justification is that they don’t like the direction it's going. “I believe that the whole process has been illegitimate,” Senate Democratic Leader Chuck scumbag-Schumer said with characteristic cynicism. But as the Washington Examiner's Noemie Emery pointed out last week, the word “illegitimate” is hard to apply to a process outlined as a routine matter within the Constitution, which states: “The President ... shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court,” among others. Trump is president until January and has the lawful, legitimate power to appoint Amy Coney Barrett to the vacant seat on the Supreme Court. The Senate, controlled by an elected Republican majority, has the lawful, legitimate power to confirm Judge Barrett. So there is, to coin a phrase, no legitimate question of legitimacy. Rather, the Democrats’ unpleasantness reflects their misperception or mischaracterization of the Supreme Court and its purpose. They have long viewed it as a legislative tribunal essential to their advancement of ideological aims. They see it as a supreme council to decide cultural issues in their favor when the public does not agree with them, and to block laws and policies they don’t like. Yet in reality, their stated fears about what the nation will look like under a conservative court are provably false. The current Supreme Court, with two of Trump’s appointees on it already, was supposed to strike down Roe v. Wade, overturn scumbag/liar-nObamacare, and trample the rights of gay and transgender people. The funny thing about constitutionalist judges, or one should say the essential thing, is that their philosophy impels them to uphold the written law and the Constitution even when it goes against their personal convictions.  Roe will someday probably be overturned, but it will be because, as even the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg observed, it is bad law, poorly argued, hewing not to the Constitution but to political fashion...  https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/democrats-delegitimize-the-supreme-court-because-they-fear-losing-power-over-the-rest-of-us?utm_source=WEX_News%20Brief%20-%20YouTube%20_10/12/2020&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=WEX_News%20Brief&rid=5261
‘You’re Not Being Straight With Me’: Chris Wallace
Challenges Chris Coons For Changing The Definition Of Court Packing
{ dailycaller.com } ~ “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace challenged Democratic Delaware Sen. Chris Coons on his assertion that Republicans were already packing the court... Wallace specifically asked Coons to weigh in on the idea of adding justices to the Supreme Court, and the Delaware Senator pivoted to argue that the Trump administration’s focus on filling judicial vacancies amounted to court packing. Beginning with scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden’s refusal to answer the question — along with his claim that voters would have to wait until after the election to hear his position on the issue — Wallace put the question to Coons. “Senator, I’ve been doing this a long time and I don’t understand that answer. He says you’ll find out what my position is after the election and if I were to tell you, it would be a headline in every paper. Why not just be straight with the American voters on this issue before the election?” Wallace asked. “I’ll tell you for the last four years I’ve seen unprecedented court packing,” Coons claimed, referencing the large number of judges that Trump and the Republican Senate had appointed and confirmed to the federal bench — all to fill vacancies. “Instead of passing a COVID relief package that will help millions of Americans who are unemployed, who have been infected, whose businesses or employers have closed, we are focusing on jamming through Judge Barrett. I think this constitutes court packing,” Coons continued. “Senator, with all due respect, you’re not being straight with me and you’re not answering my question,” Wallace pushed back. “We have 23 days left until the election. Can Vice President scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden, can Senator lowlife-Harris, his running mate, can they continue to stonewall on a perfectly legitimate question? scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden says it’s legitimate. If you’re elected, will you try to change one of the three branches of government by adding justices to the court? There haven’t been any more than nine justices — I think it’s since the 1870s, it’s a pretty important question. Can he hold out and stonewall on that issue for three weeks?” Coons once again dodged the direct question, saying instead that he hoped enough Republicans would vote with Democrats to stop the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. “Let me just say — I’m just going to say, that’s a different issue than packing the court,” Wallace concluded. “If that’s the question, whether or not the court should — the Senate should vote to confirm Barrett, that’s different than changing the number of justices on the court. Senator Coons, I got to leave it there, thank you.”   https://dailycaller.com/2020/10/11/fox-news-sunday-chris-wallace-challenges-chris-coons-court-packing/?utm_source=piano&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2360&pnespid=1.hzsulJWgKNG_s5uzp.oKN2fLFd1xF2TQjvEnU1 
A top scumbag-Soros ally just openly called for 
the U.S. to be overthrown by a foreign power
by patriotpulse.net ~ For decades, scumbag-George Soros has been using his billions to force his far-left agenda on the world. He funds countless groups to push his globalist cause. Now a top scumbag-Soros ally is openly calling for the U.S. to be overthrown by a foreign power...There may be no far-left activist and donor more influential than scumbag-George Soros. His power comes from all the far-left ventures he funds through his Open Society Foundation. Over the years, he has donated over $32 billion to the group. While some of that money goes toward charitable causes, a huge chunk goes to far-left, pro-globalist organizations around the world. His money has formed an army of far-left political operatives around the world who are loyal to him. One of those operatives is Zack Ford, a self-described queer atheist social justice warrior. Ford currently works as the press secretary for the Alliance for Justice, a left-wing group that receives funding from the scumbag-Soros network. The left-wing activist previously wrote for the defunct left-wing propaganda site ThinkProgress before they went belly up last year. While many scumbag-Soros operatives hide their true views, and disdain for the United States, Ford made his clear hatred for his country clear in a Tweet where he calls for the U.S. to be conquered. “Anybody else feeling like this would be a great time for the U.S. to be conquered? Like not a violent war, just a really peaceful takeover – more like an intervention by all the other friendly democracies out there who’ve been watching what’s been going on here,” Ford wrote in a tweet. Ford added that he feels that America is so broken that a full reboot is the best way to fix our problems...  https://patriotpulse.net/a-top-soros-ally-just-openly-called-for-the-u-s-to-be-overthrown-by-a-foreign-power/?utm_source=ppnl&utm_medium=ong#gf_2008 
Saudi Arabia: We, Too, Are Fed Up with the Palestinians
by Khaled Abu Toameh
{ gatestoneinstitute.org } ~ Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz's scathing and unprecedented attack on the Palestinian leadership, during an interview aired by Saudi Al-Arabiya television station on October 6...adds Saudi Arabia and its citizens to the growing list of Arabs who regard the Palestinians as "ungrateful." During the interview, the prince, a former Saudi ambassador to the US, said that "the Palestinian cause is a just cause, but its advocates are failures, and the Israeli cause is unjust, but its advocates have proven to be successful." He accused the Palestinians of cozying up to Saudi Arabia's foes, Iran and Turkey, and criticized them for accusing the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain of betrayal for agreeing to establish relations with Israel." He also accused the Palestinians of "ingratitude or lack of loyalty" toward Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries that supported them for decades. After the interview, many Saudis and other Gulf citizens expressed support for Prince Bandar bin Abdulaziz's criticism of the Palestinians, with some saying the time has come for a new Palestinian leadership that prioritizes its people's interests and does not pocket the financial aid sent to them by the Arab countries and the West. "I believe that the time has come to form a permanent Arab committee under the umbrella of the Arab League to manage the Palestinian issue and conduct face-to-face dialogue with Israel," said Emirati columnist and political analyst Abdullah Nasser Al-Otaibi. "Today, after this very revealing and frank talk by the Saudi prince, I strongly believe in the need for the Arabs to find a way to manage the Palestinian issue." Al-Otaibi is one of several Arab commentators who have recently talked about the need for the Arab countries to take matters into their own hands and try to solve the Israeli-Arab conflict without involving the failed and corrupt Palestinian leadership. This is a demand that no Arab has dared to make in the past few decades. It demonstrates that a growing number of Arabs believe that there can be no solution to the Israeli-Arab conflict as long as the current Palestinian leadership remains in power. Saudi political analyst Fahim Al-Hamid noted that over the past several decades, the Palestinians have missed many opportunities to find a solution to their conflict with Israel. Referring to the ongoing power struggle between the Palestinian ruling Fatah faction in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Al-Hamid accused the two parties of 'trafficking" in the Palestinian issue...  https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/16622/saudi-arabia-fed-up-palestinians 
Finland, Switzerland Considering F-35s and 
Super Hornets in Upcoming Fighter Contests
By: Mallory Shelbourne
{ news.usni.org } ~ Two non-NATO European countries are considering the purchase of American fighters, as part of two separate international competitions are underway...The U.S. State Department has authorized the potential sales of the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter Lightning II and the F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet to both Finland and Switzerland. On Friday, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced the department had authorized the two prospective sales to Finland and that DSCA informed lawmakers about the potential foreign military sales. The total projected cost of the F-35 sale to Finland — which would include 64 jets, 66 F-135 engines, spare parts and equipment like air-to-ground guided weapons and air-to-air missiles — is $12.5 billion, according to a DSCA news release. Notably, the prospective F-35 sale to Finland includes the Operational Data Integrated Network (ODIN), while the potential Swiss sale includes the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS). The Pentagon earlier this year said it would move to the ODIN system after ongoing issues with ALIS plagued the F-35 program. In the other potential sale, Finland would seek 14 EA-18G Growlers, eight F/A-18F Super Hornets, 50 F/A-18E Super Hornets and 166 F414-GE-400 engines, a DSCA release said. The Super Hornet and Growler sale, should it go through, is projected to be $14.7 billion, including the jets, equipment and other weapons like the Small Diameter Bomb II. “The proposed sale of F/A-18E/Fs and EA-18Gs and associated weapons will provide Finland with a credible defense capability to deter aggression in the region and ensure interoperability with U.S. Forces,” the DSCA release reads. “The proposed sale will replace Finland’s retiring F/A-18C/Ds and enhance its air-to-air and air-to-ground self-defense capability. Finland will have no difficulty absorbing these aircraft into its armed forces.” The two American fighters are among several programs in an international competition that includes Airbus’ Eurofighter, the Saab-built JAS 39 Gripen and the French Dassault Rafale, according to a Reuters report...  https://news.usni.org/2020/10/09/finland-switzerland-considering-f-35s-and-super-hornets-in-upcoming-fighter-contests?utm_source=USNI+News&utm_campaign=7b541ba904-USNI_NEWS_DAILY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0dd4a1450b-7b541ba904-231491269&mc_cid=7b541ba904&mc_eid=3999f18767 
scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden 
Forgets Which State He’s In During New Hampshire Campaign Stop
{ dailycaller.com } ~ Former Vice President scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden committed yet another gaffe on the campaign trail Saturday afternoon...scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden seemed to think he was in Vermont while campaigning in Keene, New Hampshire. “I’ve been here a number of times. The last time I think was all the way back in 2014, but I’ve been here before that,” scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden said while talking to reporters. “I love this place. Look, what’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it?” scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden misremembered the state where he was campaigning; however, he did get the name of the town right, telling reporters: “I like Keene a lot.”  scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden has produced a steady flow of gaffes on the campaign trail so far — including several gaffes this month. The former vice president, who will turn 78 years old in November, slipped up during a visit to Iowa earlier in August, telling a rally crowd: “We choose truth over facts.” During that same rally, scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden told the crowd that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”  In another odd moment this month, scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden claimed he was vice president when the 2018 Parkland, Florida, school shooting took place. scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden told reporters that “those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president.” scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden also stumbled while recalling the 1968 assassinations of civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. and former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy during a Tuesday rally in Iowa. scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden said he remembered the assassinations “in the ’70s, the late ’70s when I got engaged.” scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden’s campaign did not immediately return a request for comment on his latest gaffe.  https://dailycaller.com/2019/08/24/joe-biden-forgets-state-gaffe/  
China Rewriting the Bible to Align It With Communism
Arnold Ahlert   “Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them. Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, ‘Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?’ This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.

"So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, ‘He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.’ And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, ‘Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?’ She said, ‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.’

"When the crowd disappeared, Jesus stoned the sinner to death saying, ‘I too am a sinner. But if the law could only be executed by men without blemish, the law would be dead.’”

Many Christians would undoubtedly recognize the first two of the above paragraphs as part of the Gospel according to John. The third paragraph? After the Wuhan virus, the third paragraph might be the most despicable thing emanating from a nation run by unapologetic Chinese communist thugs.

Thugs who intend to rewrite Holy Scripture so it aligns with the Politburo’s sensibilities.

“China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency said late last year that Politburo Standing Committee member Wang Yang had presided over a meeting of so-called scholars and ‘religious people from the grassroots level’ to discuss ‘making accurate and authoritative interpretations of classical doctrines to keep pace with the times,’” reveals  columnist Matthew Taylor King.

The full version of the Beijing Bible has yet to be released, but the above passage was made public last week — as part of a textbook for Chinese high school students. According to the Roman Catholic news agency UCA, the textbook will be used to teach those students “professional ethics and law,” and the above passage is a “moral” example, explaining that obedience to the law at all costs is an absolute necessity.

Totalitarian government demands nothing less. And while many Americans should be rightly infuriated by this wholesale bastardization of Christian beliefs and values, they ought to be just as enraged by a progressive-controlled American education system that force-feeds our own students an equally contemptible bastardization of American values and history in the form of Common Core, Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, and the LGBTQ agenda.

Just like China’s Communist Party, progressives are  dedicated to teaching children what to think, not how to think.

Xi Lian, a professor at Duke University Divinity School, illuminated the big picture, noting that the Chinese fear Christianity for three reasons. First, the religion is international, and thus links people in bonds of solidarity and affection that transcend national controls. Second, it is congregational, giving it the “ability to mobilize a stable, reliable community” — capable of toppling dictatorships. Third, Christianity’s “transcendent vision [and] transcendent values” present the Communist Party with an insuperable “moral and ideological rivalry,” in comparison to the CCP’s Marxist-Leninist foundation, that many Chinese view as a “spent force.”

By contrast, Christianity is thriving: According to the book A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, co-authored by sociologist Rodney Stark and Xiuhua Wang, the number of Christians in China is increasing by 7% per year. Thus, between 1980 and 2007, the number of Chinese Christians increased from 10 million to 61 million. If that trend continues, there will be 295 million Christians in China by 2030.

Again, while that reality is anathema to Chinese totalitarians, Americans shouldn’t be too smug. “As Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, noted [recently], there is a strong parallel between China’s efforts to ‘create a new version of Christianity’ and those pioneered by Protestant liberalism in Europe and America,” explains columnist Tyler O’ Neil.

They aren’t alone. Last Sunday, in his latest encyclical letter, “Fratelli Tutti” (Brothers All), Pope Francis asserted  that the pandemic proved the “magic theories” of market capitalism have failed and should be replaced by a new type of politics promoting dialogue and solidarity. Pope Francis also revealed that he views the nation-state as an impediment to that agenda, adding, “The limits and borders of individual states cannot stand in the way of this.”

In short, the pope embraces the globalist agenda, couched in Christian terms. In doing so, he willfully ignores the reality that it wasn’t the capitalists who unleashed a global pandemic and lied about it, exponentially increasing its devastation. It was the same Chinese communists intent on making a mockery of the Bible itself — in pursuit of unassailable power.

Tragically, the pope’s current stand should surprise no one. In 2018, the Vatican’s foreign minister stated that “sinicization” and “inculturation” — defined as aligning Christianity with the Chinese communist worldview — are the keys to Christianity’s future in China.

In other words, communist sensibilities should trump Christian doctrine. How will that work? Perhaps the pope and other equally feckless Christian leaders should examine the realities of life as a Muslim minority in China, where government officials have turned that nation’s Uyghur Muslim population into de facto slave labor. Slave labor that produces goods for American multinational corporations, whose CEOs worship the god of market share — which has reached a new high during the pandemic.

“There is much more that could be said about this project, but the most important point for Americans to grasp is that the CCP has learned from the mistakes of the Soviet Union where religion is concerned,” warns columnist Cameron Hilditch. “Beijing’s co-opting, repackaging, and careful control of Christianity within China’s borders is in stark contrast with the Soviets’ outright, implacable hostility to organized religion.”

In America, under the banner of “incrementalism,” secular progressives have embraced similar efforts to undermine Christianity. And just as in China, their biggest obstacle is people of faith, who are routinely dismissed as bigots for rejecting that secularism in favor of religion.

Yet something revealing and quite timely just occurred. After Trump contracted COVID-19, the outpouring of hate from far too many progressives (with notable exceptions) revealed a stunning callousness impossible to obscure. That it happened so close to the election provides the electorate with perhaps the starkest choice among many regarding the nation’s future.

A constitutional republic can survive many things. Government-endorsed soullessness isn’t one of them.   ~The Patriot Post


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