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~ Featuring ~
The Barrett Hearings: A Primer
Douglas Andrews 
The Great Barrington Declaration Is A Spark of Sanity In A Mad World
By Joe Allen
{ thefederalist.com  } ~ In an era in which every dubious decision is “due to COVID-19,” we hear policymakers repeating the same mantra: “If just one life is saved,” it’s worth relinquishing our freedoms, our sanity, and possibly our future...More often than not, this ethical dilemma is presented without mentioning the obvious trade-offs or long-term consequences. Imagine you’re an administrative dictator. If you could “save just one life” — or even thousands — by crippling the youth, vaporizing a million careers, wiping out small businesses, crushing your nation’s civic culture, severing the ancient continuity of religious rites, forcing healthy people into paranoid isolation, traumatizing an entire generation with viral terror, ending hugs and handshakes, depriving the elderly of intimate care in their final days, wrecking the national economy, unleashing a dystopian surveillance state, and turning your neighbors into neurotic germaphobes, would it be worth it? It’s a serious question. What if that “one life” was your grandpa? If my own grandfather had lived to see the destructive madness surrounding the Wuhan virus crisis, he’d no doubt light a Doral 100 and say, “Good Lord, just let me die.” As it happens, I was in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, when this germ hysteria got started. As things progressed, the sleepy ski town was suddenly overrun by panicked New Yorkers who escaped to their summer cottages and never went back. Being typical urban scolds, they’d show up at the local shops and shriek about other customers not wearing masks or small children standing too close to them. The locals accused these uptight yuppies of carrying the city’s plague to the countryside. In this idyllic setting of cultural neurosis and mutual disdain, the now-infamous Great Barrington Declaration was drafted by three leading experts in the fields of biostatistics, immunology, and public health policy. These doctors advocate for a return to traditional wisdom: Quarantine the sick, isolate the vulnerable, and allow the young and healthy to proceed with caution. Alongside Sweden’s courageous example, the document will go down in history as a bold assertion of vitality in a withering world. The declaration was authored and signed on Oct. 4 by Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard; Dr. Sunetra Gupta, a distinguished Oxford epidemiologist; and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University Medical School. To date, more than 13,000 medical professionals have added their signatures, along with more than 176,000 members of the public, with thousands more every hour. This concise manifesto is strong medicine for a sick society...  https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/13/the-great-barrington-declaration-is-a-spark-of-sanity-in-a-mad-world/
Will All The Name-Brand People Who Pushed The Russian Collusion Conspiracy Get Off Scot-Free?
By Drew Holden
{ thefederalist.com } ~ A year ago, the story dominating headlines was the allegation that President Donald Trump had colluded with the Russian government to win the 2016 election...The idea of impeaching President Trump due to these allegations was gathering steam, with accusations from elected officials and beyond that the president of the United States was a Russian puppet, a Manchurian candidate installed by Vladimir Putin, and even an agent of a hostile foreign power for the last 30 years. You don’t need to be a fan of Trump to be outraged about the Russian collusion conspiracy. But it’s a mark against your patriotism, your judgement, or your intellect if you aren’t. Beyond just being perhaps the most defining political scandal of our time, the hoax gets under my skin because I fell for it. And I’m enormously angry for having been duped. Now that this narrative has been proven false and possibly influenced by actual Russian disinformation, it is time to revisit how it was created and dominated U.S. politics for so long, as well as demand justice for its perpetrators. The “Russian collusion” narrative first got its start shortly before the 2016 election, when John Podesta, chairman of the scumbag/liar-Clinton campaign, told reporters about an FBI investigation into the Trump campaign and suggested Trump was either “willfully ignoring” intelligence officials’ warnings or acting “as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.” This accusation eventually became a central pillar of former Secretary of State scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton’s campaign. She pushed the claim on social media, including never-verified allegations about a server connected to future President Trump that was supposedly tied to Russia, and called on the FBI to release information about any connection between Trump and Russia. Her running mate, Sen. liar-Tim Kaine, suggested Trump was a Russian puppet two weeks before the election. Even the FBI’s own findings from late October, announcing that, despite a months-long investigation, they found no clear links between Trump and the Russian government, couldn’t throw any cold water on the allegations. Especially after the election, the narrative was picked up by congressional Democrats. House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi called on the FBI to “investigate the financial, political and personal ties” between Trump and Russia. Rep. scumbag/liar-Adam Schiff, who went on to quarterback the impeachment effort, suggested multiple, unverified claims: that the Trump campaign directed efforts from WikiLeaks, that Trump requested “dirt” on scumbag/liar-Clinton, and that Trump had undisclosed financial connections to Russia...  https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/13/will-all-the-name-brand-people-who-pushed-the-russian-collusion-conspiracy-get-off-scot-free/ 
Slouching Towards the Socialist States of America
by Chris Farrell
{ gatestoneinstitute.org } ~ Attorney General William Barr is on a Capitol Hill whispering campaign to select Republicans, telling them that US Attorney John Durham will not move against the anti-Trump coup plotters before election day...One wonders if he has bothered to tell President Donald J. Trump. The consequences for the republic are dire. We slide ever closer to being a failed state. When the justice system is compromised – and it is – we are no better than any other banana republic. No exaggeration. In mid-July, scumbag/liar-nObamagate indictments were overdue. It is mid-October. The disparities in federal prosecutorial discretion and speed are astounding. Durham has been at work since May 14, 2019, and one third-stringer flunky DoJ attorney Clinesmith has entered a half-hearted semi-plea deal for criminally lying about Carter Page's relationship with the CIA supposedly as a cooperating legal traveler who was debriefed on his trips to Russia. If you are a targeted member or even a spectator of the Trump circle, your house is raided by the FBI with carefully coordinated CNN coverage; your family is humiliated in public; you are bankrupted; then indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison for overdue parking tickets. That whole process takes about a month. There is some exaggeration here, but not by much. Remember: Trump was impeached over scumbag/liar-Adam Schiff's phony Ukraine hoax in two months. Back in 1996, Robert Bork authored Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline. Bork borrowed the title from Joan Didion's 1968 book Slouching Towards Bethlehem a title derived from a Yeats poem. Bork was, among other things, the federal appellate judge who was not confirmed in his Reagan nomination to be a Supreme Court justice. Some of you will recall the dishonest Senate floor smears of Senator Ted Kennedy with rich irony against Judge Bork. In Slouching Towards Gomorrah, Bork warned of the potent combination of the Left's radical egalitarianism think "Medicare for All" and the other efforts at militant social leveling at the expense of personal liberty and radical individualism the rejection of a shared American identity and the proliferation of micro-identities, often based on grievances and manufactured social policy agenda items, masquerading as "rights.".Now, the radical egalitarianism and individualism has been organized, funded and armed. The dupes are engaged in violence against persons and property. California National Guard troops kneel  before Black Lives Matter protestors. What was troubling 24 years ago is now at a fevered pitch. What was then a disturbance is now a revolution. What was then subversion is now a coup. The greatest criminal conspiracy to attack the constitution and overturn the results of a presidential election is being greeted with a yawn. The Republican Party can barely generate the energy to lift its head off the desk. "Journalists" within the news media do not report factual developments, and those who do find their Internet presence suppressed by the social media giants. Many enlightened liberals are participating naively in their own destruction in a fashion and on a scale not seen since 1917 Russia. President Trump has issued order after order for the past three years – demanding full declassification and release of all records dealing with the scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton's outlaw email server and the Russia Hoax. For three years, his White House staff has cheerfully answered, "Yes, sir!" – and then gone out in the hallway to rationalize and conspire towards failing to energetically and faithfully carry out the Commander-in-Chief's orders. It is loathsome and despicable how the President has been betrayed. Here are the consequences for the picture painted before you: we are in serious danger of the "fundamental transformation" of America that some politicians dreamed of coming to fruition...  https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/16624/socialist-states-of-america 
CBS Obtains 94-Page Outline Showing FBI and Chris Steele Collaborative Use of Media Reporting
by sundance
{ theconservativetreehouse.com } ~ CBS News Catherine Herridge has obtained a 94-page spread sheet showing dates of media reports, dates of Steele reports on the same material, and the FBI effort to verify or validate the circular process...In essence this is evidence of the process we initially shared almost three years ago; only now we know the names. Former SSCI staffer Dan Jones, former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson, and Simpson’s crew at Fusion-GPS, pitched and planted phony Trump-Russia evidence with the media and simultaneously gave those fake points to Chris Steele to supplement the dossier. Using the same method of Ezra Klein’s “JournOList” replication, Dan Jones and Fusion-GPS paid the journalists to run the stories. Steele then used the same information from Jones and Fusion in his Dossier and cited the planted media reports; as evidence to substantiate. The Dossier is then provided to the FBI. The journalists then provide *indulgences* to the FBI as part of the collaboration. The FBI, specifically Lisa Page, Peter Strzok and public information office Mike Kortan, then leak the outcomes of the FBI Dossier investigative processes to the same media that have reported on the originating material. It is all a big circle of planting and laundering the same originating false material; aka a “wrap up smear.”...  https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/10/12/cbs-obtains-94-page-outline-showing-fbi-and-chris-steele-collaborative-use-of-media-reporting/ 
The Swamp is irredeemable – make Philly the new capital
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By Larry Klayman
{ wnd.com } ~ Just last week it was announced by none other than Blowhard Bill Barr, our latest worthless and politically corrupted establishment Republican attorney general...that John Durham, his anointed legal eagle I could instead say "beagle" but don't want to disparage dogs, who are man's best friend was not going to issue a report on the Russian collusion witch hunts, involving the infamous Steele dossier, Fusion GPS and a host of other Democratic crimes, until after the November presidential election. With over 43 years of experience in the legal trenches, and well over 41 in the D.C. cesspool – I can no longer call it even a swamp, as it is more putrid than that – I predicted from "get go" that this scandal, like all others, would be buried. And, as President Trump may not win reelection by his own estimation, the so-called Durham report, much less any convictions for the rampant criminality that occurred, probably will never see the light of day. As the French expression goes, the more things change the more they stay the same. And how did I know this? Its really simple! Each establishment political party, through its factions in the Deep State of government, most particularly the intelligence community, has gathered so much dirt on each other, that all that happens to bring about justice is "just" for show, not for dough. It's the equivalent of the nuclear doctrine of "mutually assured destruction." Even Rush Limbaugh, who has spent his career in a radio studio and not the bowels of so-called government, does not fully understand this. Indeed, our elected officials and others of similar ilk simply go on cable news, crowing about what will happen to further the rule of law to induce people to contribute to their political reelection campaigns, but they couldn't care less about the legal and ethical underpinnings necessary for a democracy to survive. In reality they know that all will be thrown into an empty ditch when it comes to holding the criminals, which frequently includes them as well, in our nation's capital accountable. Their media appearances are such a fraud that I for one want to throw up with disgust. This is why the title of my most recent book, which will be published on Oct. 27, 2020, and is now available for pre-order at Amazon.com and all major booksellers, is "It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!" This is the reality today in Washington, D.C. As the two establishment factions, left and right, do little to nothing other than to have money and power stuffed into their pockets by lobbyists and other peddlers of influence, the Republicans in particular allow the left to run roughshod over everyone else who would stand firm against the radicals who are bent on destroying our nation and its way of life. Just a couple examples are the COVID-19 crisis and the violence in the streets perpetrated by leftist radicals of all races, colors, ethnicities, religions, sexes and sexual persuasive. What, for instance, have the Republicans done about the massive damage Communist China has caused with the likely release of a bioweapon armed with COVID-19, and what have they done about the violence in the streets?...   https://www.wnd.com/2020/10/swamp-irredeemable-make-philly-new-capital/
Schools Are NOT COVID-19 Super-Spreaders
{ conservativejournalreview.com } ~ Numbers are a funny thing in that you can generally make them say whatever you want if you take the right angle. A new report analyzing the hard data since kids have been to school, however, shreds the Democrat narrative that schools being opened are creating super-spreader events...The report focused on the actual percentage of cases reported rather than the number of COVID-19 cases, which is the true sign of how much school openings are spreading the virus. As of the 2015-16 school year, there were 139,874 learning institutions in this country, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. That figure goes up just a bit almost every year, but for our purposes here, let’s call it an even 140,000. If only ten children tested positive for COVID-19 and two teachers tested positive in each school, that would amount to 1.68 million cases of COVID, which is a pretty scary number. For that very reason, Democrats like to use numbers, like “more than 200,000” dead and “more than 8 million cases.” The overall number is not as important as the percentage, which is why this new report about school openings destroys the fearmongering Democrats are doing on this front. When you look at the data from the COVID-19 School Response Dashboard, the percentages of cases are shockingly low. The data breaks down schools from 47 states, accounting for 200,000 children over the last two weeks of September. It shows that there is only a .13 infection rate among the children and a .24 infection rate among staffers. Emily Oster, a Brown University Economics Professor, stated, “I think it was thought the minute we get people together in schools, there would be these huge outbreaks — and that hasn’t come to pass.” She not only pointed to the fact schools are NOT super-spreaders, but also the toll this is taking on our children...  https://www.conservativejournalreview.com/report-schools-are-not-covid-19-super-spreaders/?utm_source=cjr_newsletter_10_12_9&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cjr_newsletter_10_12_9  
The Barrett Hearings: A Primer
Douglas Andrews   If you’re among the handful of people who’ve been diligently watching the NBA Finals, you might’ve missed the news: Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Senate confirmation hearings began this morning.

The hearings, which take place in the 22-member Senate Judiciary Committee, kicked off at 9 a.m. ET today and will run through Thursday. Today’s session began with an introductory statement by Republican Chairman Lindsey Graham and ranking member Dianne “the dogma lives loudly within you” Feinstein, followed by a 10-minute opening statement by each committee member, then an introduction of Judge Barrett by Indiana Senator Todd Young and former Notre Dame Law School Dean Patricia O'Hara.

Barrett will then deliver her opening remarks, in which she’s expected to praise two deceased giants of the Supreme Court: Antonin Scalia, who was her mentor, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose death on September 18 made available this seat on the High Court. Barrett, a constitutional originalist in the mold of Scalia, is also expected to stress that it’s the courts’ responsibility to enforce the Rule of Law, not to solve every problem or right every wrong, and that the policies and value judgments of government must be made by the two branches of government that are accountable to the American people at the ballot box.

The full text of Judge Barrett’s opening remarks can be found here.

None of this will matter to Senate Democrats, however, as they’ve already mapped out their strategy and spoon-fed it to an eager and obedient mainstream media.

This strategy was rolled out on Sunday morning’s news talk shows. Delaware Democrat Senator liar-Chris Coons, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, argued that the GOP’s efforts to seat Judge Barrett before the end of President Donald Trump’s four-year term constitutes — wait for it — court packing. This despite the term’s clear meaning related to expanding the number of seats on the Court and filling those seats with ideologically like-minded justices. “I’m going to be laying out the ways in which Judge Barrett’s views … are not just extreme, they’re disqualifying,” said liar-Coons. Confirmation, he added, “constitutes court packing.”

Illinois Democrat scumbag-Dick Durbin, also a member of the Judiciary Committee, likewise corrupted the meaning of the term “court packing,” saying, “The American people have watched Republicans packing the Court over the last three and a half years, and they brag about it — that they’ve taken every vacancy and filled it.”

This perversion of a particular term has a purpose. Democrats are trying to turn the tables on what has, for the past two weeks, become an uncomfortable and unanswerable question for their presidential nominee, scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden. Time after time, scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden has been called upon to answer a simple but critical question: whether he’d pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices if elected. At every turn, he’s refused to tell the voters what his plans are, claiming that his answer would immediately become the focus of attention. Of course, any effort to illegitimately pack the Supreme Court, which has worked perfectly well with nine justices for the past 151 years, deserves the American people’s undivided attention.

scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden’s answer to whether the American people have a right to know his position? “No, they don’t.”

No less a Trump-hating leftist than Jake Tapper has even grown tired of the scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden campaign’s disingenuous narrative. “How is [confirmation] not constitutional?” he repeatedly asked scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden flack Kate Bedingfield. Tapper, whose facial expressions tend to betray his feelings, looked like he was eating a bag of lemons as Bedingfield continued to duck and dodge.

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse also registered his contempt: “It’s grotesque that Vice President scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden won’t answer that really basic question,” he said. “And it isn’t just one branch of government. What [Democrats are] really talking about — or refusing to talk about — is the suicide bombing of two branches of government.”

That pretty much sums up the Democrats’ desperate game plan. The next few days will determine whether the Leftmedia allows them to get away with it.   

~The Patriot Post


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