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  • Sooner or later we have to come to grips with the fact that we are beset by voices and organizations that simply hate our country and would bring our country down at any cost. 

  • We need Christian media sources, like the Christian channels on Daystar, etc.. We need them asap so circumvent the lies and schemes of the enemy. We need to pray these who do evil shall be confunded and removed from their place of authority in media that they have abused and used to suppress truth, God, liberty, speech and life itself. Amen.

  • put them out of business

  • America’s number one info nemesis is GOOGLE. They are the prime purveyor left wing propaganda. They squash anything that even resembles the truth. They dictate to all social media platforms. They are one of the most important tools of “The New Order”.


  • Nothing worse than some prissy, overpaid wealthy millennial dictating what should be considered PUBLIC INTEREST and what is fair or safe.....The over indulged little pukes that run TWITTER or the rest of the media sources need a big dose of reality.......maybe some mayhem at their house, maybe some exposure to the evils that attack the rest of us in the real world.  This babbling fool didn't answer the question, and completely ignored the point of TWITTER ALLOWING THE KILLER MUSLIMS OF IRAN TO PROJECT GENOCIDE ON TWITTER.  You people that run twitter are bastards. 

  • Twitter is a Democrat tool. They must be forced to quit censoring our Constitution or be jailed! 

  • Twitter and Facebook are 2 demonic platforms!!

    • So true.......and what a shame since everybody got hooked to using them

    • Well, not quite EVERYONE! When I got banned for life from Twitter, a few years back, I dropped out of FB, too. You know what? I don't miss either one of them! Instead, I use So far I haven't found a good replacement for FB, but then, I never used it that much, anyway! We aren't being FORCED to use them, you know.

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