
While Democrats remain largely fixated on obstructing President Donald Trump, the president has continued to do his job.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has been trying his best to slow down Trump’s agenda and his breakneck pace of reshaping the judiciary but has failed spectacularly.

And he has suffered another defeat.

The GOP-controlled U.S. Senate has officially confirmed two more conservative judges nominated by Trump to serve on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which oversees cases in the western part of the U.S.

Judges Lawrence VanDyke and Patrick Bumatay were appointed by Trump.

The court, which was once dominated by liberals, now has more than a third of the president’s appointees.

Trump has now appointed 10 judges to the sprawling court, one of the country’s largest and most influential, Politico noted in a report about how Trump is dramatically flipping the courts to a conservative majority.

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