Two More Days 1/18/25

In two more days, the leadership will once again change hands. It's supposed to be a peaceful transfer. I somehow doubt it will be without incidents. Judging from what has transpired since Trump won the election I figure the opposition has still got something, up their sleeves. 
Biden thought he was being coy, when he gave his farewell speech. He even called for the Supreme Court's ruling about immunity for a sitting President to be reversed. My opinion on that is; They wanted a way to prosecute him again after he left office by, faking up more phony charges against the decisions he will need to make as top executive. He (Biden), along with most of his supporters, believe Americans are blind and stupid. Biden has been doing everything in his power to prevent in advance exerything he and his ilk think Trump will try to accomplish during his 2nd term.
Biden himself commuted the sentences of about 2500 incarcerated people, for supposedly non-violent cocaine related jail terms. He even stated he was contemplating sweeping blanket commutations for White House officials and allies in addition to the 1500 he pardoned last month. Presidential power of pardons at present is unchecked. Biden has set a new standard of presidential clemency which will affect the nation for generations to come. I see future presidents using this power to upset the criminal courts legitimate sentencing powers and punishment in favor of the politically connected criminals, and not the rest of the public. That is a classic dual standard, and in my opinion, a classic Democrat move.
This power could make any crime exempt from punishment the president decided to intervene in. This is the power of Dictators and has no business unchecked by the public, in a Constitutional Republic.
Maybe that's our fault. We did not get out and protest the events of 2020, and did not hold the courts responsible to do their duty to investigate the charges in open court. Instead the opposition held a kangaroo court to declare Trump a felon because in my personal opinion, a highly biased and criminally corrupt judge presided over it. Face it, the judge was plainly out to get him. 
In his own words; 13411562676?profile=RESIZE_710x
Trump will doubtless make many good for America Executive orders to clean up the devastating mess left by Biden and his ilk. Don't forget Biden is handing out pardons like holloween candy to thje principle players. Needless to say, the people need to do a few things to maintain any good Trump will do to benefit America and the American people. Look how fast Biden reversed almost every Executive decision Trump made in the first week Biden was in Office. 
To preserve America as a good and free country that's a positive example to the world, America in general needs to retern to worshiping God, and keeping his commandments. Those commandments are the only true blueprint for a workable society that won't self destruct. 
America started out as a Christian morals based Nation. The founders stopped it from creating a national religion like England had been forced adopt by Henry the 8th. In fact in America you can choose to belong to a religion of your choice, or not belong to one at all. Neither can anyone prevent you from either choice. It doesn't mean you have Freedom from religion as the Warren Court demanded, It means your religious freedom is protected. You won't believe how many people don't know, that.
That being said, adopting Christian Moral Principles and Christian Integrity to guide the laws, does not infringe on anyone. In fact it makes them less partisan and more inclusive without interfering with the natural diversity America is known for.
The next thing the people need to do ASAP, is to demand their State Governments petition for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. Doing that removes the partisan politics Congress includes in their Amendment proposals. Lets face it folks, Congress will never agree to propose any amendment which will reduces their political power over the people they are supposed to be Representing, not Ruling!
The Tradesman

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  • I also agree with your comment that we should have made more ruckus over 2020. Yes, we should have. Openly. We should never be so quiet again..Good post, Tradesman.

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