
A Rochester man is “livid” after his business was targeted by protesters ostensibly outraged over the death of Daniel Prude, a black man who died about a week after an interaction with the Rochester Police Department (RPD), back in March.

As more violent rioting took place Saturday night, lasting into early Sunday morning, protesters torched a store that encompasses a U-Haul service — a store owned by a black man — leaving at least three of the vehicles destroyed by the alleged arson.

WHEC News 10 journalist Charles Molineaux captured photos of the destruction and the business owner, Jesse Barksdale.

According to the photos, it appears Mr. Barksdale placed a “Proud to be Black Owned” sign outside the business, which was clearly ignored by rioters allegedly protesting racial injustice.



Some of the estimated 1,500 protesters that took to the streets over Prude’s death shot fireworks at officers, threw rocks, and apparently engaged in arson.


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  • Setting race relations back 100 years. It looks like the dumb ones doing the protesting. This is hurting blacks more than helping them. sharpton and his fellow race pimps need to be taken off the stage. Why doesn't someone tell them they are destroying themselves with this rioting. God help them. TRUMP 2020

  • When will people understand BLM movement has been taken over by ANTIFA and BLMF. These are Marxist based groups as defined in their literature and on their website, who want to bring down this country, dissolve the family, religious freedom and impose Marxist/Communist rule. And the first thing to go will be the right to free speech. All these ninnies particating in the riots will be rounded and disposed of.

  • This is just PROOF that this rioting is NOT about Racism and never was.  Until Obama's first term, Racial Division was a non-issue in America. We had come a LONG way, and we got along just fine. Never before had Black Americans had so much opportunity, success, and equality. This new division was manufactured by the Obama Administration to keep Blacks on their KKK Plantation and turn them against Whites.  So they made up stories, told lies, and over-publicized Black deaths that occurred during arrests, justified or NOT. NEVER, did they mention the fact that MANY more Whites are killed by cops every year than Blacks. We now have an all-out attack on police and a demand that Black criminals be allowed to get away with their crimes based on Race. That a Black perpetrator that is threatening a police officer's life, should be allowed to kill said police officer while the officer just stands there and let's him. Our society has gone bat-shit crazy. STOP VOTING DEMOCRAT!

    • you are right when Obama became the president everything changes.


  • get ready people it's going to get worse this is just a snug shot of what's going to take place in the future.

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    • NOT PEOPLE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, !! FEREL ANIMALS !!

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