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The pain of soaring gas prices must be endured because any wider embrace of fossil fuels as an alternative is “madness” and threatens global climate targets, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres cautioned Monday.

If countries “become so consumed by the immediate fossil fuel supply gap that they neglect or knee-cap policies to cut fossil fuel use” a climate disaster is the guaranteed outcome, Guterres said in a pre-recorded address to the Economist Sustainability Summit.

The invasion of Ukraine has seen rapid rises in the prices of coal, oil and gas as countries scramble to replace Russian sources but Guterres fears these short-term measures might “close the window” on the Paris climate goals.

The BBC reports the veteran Portuguese Socialist also called on countries to fully phase out “stupid” coal by 2040 and endure the financial costs without complaint.

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  • The people of his country can't even afford to buy a bicycle and he wants to tell Americans how to travel around 

  • High Gas prices... Here is what other Global Elites are saying: 

    3-3-2022: Weekly Press Conference - US Capitol: Nancy Pelosi to Capitol Press Corp. "If Americans don't like the high cost of gas... Let them walk!"
    3-7- 2022: Dept. of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said: " People should just buy (EV's) Electric Vehicles or take public transportation if they can't afford the high cost of fuel!"
     3-21-2022: In a brief presser... moments after stepping off his "Private Jumbo Jet", U.N. Chief Guterres says: You will Endure High Gas Prices for the Good of the Planet.
    The Response from Citizens of the Planet: Phque-Off!
  • Guterres can suck on a gas pipe for all i care . When he stops flying ,I,ll drive my car less .

  • The real global warming will come when Jesus returns. 

  • In a brief presser... moments after stepping off his "Private Jumbo Jet", U.N. Chief Guterres says: You will Endure High Gas Prices for the Good of the Planet. The Response from Citizens of the Planet: Phque-Off!

    • May his jet crash on the return trip, with him on board 

  • The UN needs to be removed from the USA.  America needs to defund the UN!


    • It shouldn't even be in our ccountry. I've always said that the wrong buildings were bombed.


  • GO to hell Guterres, may your lungs be ripped form your body!

  • Climate change is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on man kind!  Period!  Antonio Guterres can kindly take his fraud and go straight to hell.

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