The top U.N. human rights body agreed on Monday to hold an urgent debate on allegations of “systemic racism, police brutality and violence against peaceful protests” in the United States and elsewhere on Wednesday.

The U.N. Human Rights Council’s decision followed a request last week by Burkina Faso on behalf of African countries in response to the killing of George Floyd, an African American, on May 25 under the knee of a white Minneapolis police officer. His death has ignited protests across the nation and worldwide.

“We think it is a moment to really discuss this issue, as you have seen with the demonstrations all over Europe, including here in Geneva,” said Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger, Austria’s ambassador who serves as current president of the Council.

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  • They can keep their nose out of our business and keep their eyes on their own crimes of rape, murder and pedophilia. And clean up their own house

    Or is it possible that former A.G. Lynch, when she signed us on to the UN's Smart Cities Network, that the UN issued Stand Down orders to democrat mayors and activists?  Who is taking orders and who is receiving orders? 

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