

{ In a stunning admission, the Biden administration has acknowledged that the names of individuals who purchase religious texts, including the Bible, are being collected and stored in a criminal database by the U.S. Department of Treasury.

This revelation came in a letter ( from the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FICen) to Christian Action Network (CAN), in response to a February 2024 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The document confirms that the names are being gathered for “law enforcement purposes,” but offers little clarity beyond that, stating further disclosure “could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”} 

This is a must read. It has all the earmarks of a massive illegal coverup of government actions. Furthermore, an attempt to file a lawsuit against the Department of Treasury and FICen and were informed it "HAD NO STANDING". 

Where have we heard that line before?

In fact, now you must have been directly and personally harmed by illegal government activity, be able to show it objectively, and only then can you sue the government for any illegal activity. If you do get to that point, you better have hundreds of thousands of dollars to pursue your case.

To me, this signals our Government is out of the control of the American People and the States as required by the Constitution. It also seems to be a clear and deliberate violation of the 1974 privacy act 

(5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(7).  For a Justice Dept. overview of that act see; 

Cornell Law School;

This is how far our Federal, Government has been taken by the Liberal Democratic/Socialists in government, whom I suspect are controlled by Elites like Soros, Schwab, Gates, Rothschild, and others of their ILK. It's time for the people to stand up and tell them STOP! Even if it means our using the provisions of Article-V of the Constitution, like our Founding Fathers put in the Constitution allow the people and the States to do it.

Please Pass This On To Everyone.

Our Future Depends On Getting The Feds Under Civilian control Again!

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  • The Tree of Liberty needs to be Refreshed. 

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