NAIL IN THE COFFIN FOR BIDEN! Released today, 12/27! @JoeBiden is shown on bank transactions for hundreds of millions of dollars! #BidenCrimeFamily
— 🇺🇲 Greenup 🇺🇲 (@GREEEN_UP) December 28, 2020
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Same deal as Hillary's server, nothing's going to be done. Our country is being sold to our enemies in broad view because domestic enemies are mostly in control. Now no one talks about the server, and perhaps few even remember it
Why bother nothing is going to happen
I have also, for quite a long time, blamed the church, the church that stays out of politics is responsible for turning us over to more and more depravity. Had the church joined together against Roe, and said, NO, we might not have allowed the murder of 60 million babies. Same thing with Obergefell, even 0care. and the last travesty, promoting transgenderism as a protected class under Title VII.
My point is if the church. which is supposed to bring the kingdom to earth and set a moral compass for society. if that church does not know the difference between the rationalization for abortion. and the clear Christian biblical requirements to not murder the innocent. then the church is completely useless as the rudder of society. The church that does not do its, job is cursed in the Bible. We are to be the salt and light, salt meaning. go against the culture. Many scriptures day the body of Christ is not to be in the culture, set apart as a guidepost
Jea, AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN I have written several blog articles about the responsibility of Christians to stand up and speak out about libtard policies. I can't do much more. I pray and speak out, that's all I can do.
Marlene, not going to happen. The deep state won't let any of their cohorts be punished for doing their bidding!!!!!
I wonder what Biden is hiding by not releasing this information on his own. It is unbelievable that a shady character like Biden is supposed to follow the man, who is rightfully called the most transparent president in the history of the United States.
More evidence for his impeachment trial.
yes, leg irons to a gallows and a rope around his corrupt neck!!!!!