UNHINGED: Nancy Pelosi labels Republicans "domestic enemies...enemies of the state" pic.twitter.com/8TnFfk3VFQ
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 24, 2020
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UNHINGED: Nancy Pelosi labels Republicans "domestic enemies...enemies of the state" pic.twitter.com/8TnFfk3VFQ
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 24, 2020
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Arrest her for sedition!!
I keep praying someone like Darrell Issa, or Trey Gowdy will step up and do what Senator McCarthy tried so hard to do; perhaps even the two of them, together, could accomplish what "Joe" was unable to do.
Nancy, I use your name because you are not worthy of being called anything else. Go home! Resign, leave the AMERICAN PEOPLE TOHELL ALONE. tHEY DO NOT NEED YOUR 'OPINIONS'!
She's showing how eveil she ireally is!!!!..........I hope she has a stroke when TRUMP BURIES THEM!!!.............I really mean it too!!!...........She's an INHUMAN TREASONOUS BWITCH!!!
She just confessed to it in, Orwellian Democrat LIE SPEAK!!!!
Heart attack is usually more permanent, you can survive and partly recover from a stroke, but I like the way you think....
Her district needs a poop map to walk through and she has gained $180Million in office
A nasty mean woman. She needs to be voted out. Her state is a disaster, burning now, w/homeless and drug addicts. Forest fires and illegals. She is a problem not the ans. Now her created crisis the post office. MY GOD WHATS NEXT I shudder to think.
I like the idea of citizens coming together with a Sheriff and removing them from office, ending all security clearances, and stopping all security and bennies. Done. We need a law.
Everyone knows that California is a failed state and she is part of the problem.
"Finklestein" and mad max are another part that needs to be "amputated"! She acts even more "irrational" when her Depends start to leak!