
  • Arrest her for sedition!!

  • I keep praying someone like Darrell Issa, or Trey Gowdy will step up and do what Senator McCarthy tried so hard to do; perhaps even the two of them, together, could accomplish what "Joe" was unable to do.

  • Nancy, I use your name because you are not worthy of being called anything else. Go home! Resign, leave the AMERICAN PEOPLE TOHELL ALONE. tHEY DO NOT NEED YOUR 'OPINIONS'!

  • She's showing how eveil she ireally is!!!!..........I hope she has a stroke when TRUMP BURIES THEM!!!.............I really mean it too!!!...........She's an INHUMAN TREASONOUS BWITCH!!!

    She just confessed to it in, Orwellian Democrat LIE SPEAK!!!!

    • Heart attack is usually more permanent, you can survive and partly recover from a stroke, but I like the way you think....

  • Her district needs a poop map to walk through and she has gained $180Million in office

  • A nasty mean woman.  She needs to be voted out.   Her state is a disaster, burning now, w/homeless and drug addicts.  Forest fires and illegals.  She is a problem not the ans.  Now her created crisis the post office.  MY GOD WHATS NEXT I shudder to think.

    • I like the idea of citizens coming together with a Sheriff and removing them from office, ending all security clearances, and stopping all security and bennies. Done. We need a law. 

    • Everyone knows that California is a failed state and she is part of the problem.

    • "Finklestein" and mad max are another part that needs to be "amputated"!  She acts even more "irrational" when her Depends start to leak!

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