Ukraine is not a democracy
Ukraine is a totalitarian state in which Zelenskyy rules as a Stalinist autocrat. Zelenskyy banned all 11 independent and opposition political parties. He canceled presidential elections and remains president even though his term expired in May. Ukrainians are being imprisoned for criticizing the regime in private conversations.

The Ukraine Media is under Soviet-style control. Zelenskyy combined all TV channels into a single state-controlled channel. Websites not approved by the government are prohibited.

Zelenskyy has overseen a campaign of assassination, kidnapping, and torture of political opponents. He has outlawed the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, jailing dozens of priests.

The war did not start in 2022
The war in Ukraine didn’t begin with the Russian invasion in February 2022. It started in February 2014 with the U.S.-engineered coup d’état that overthrew the democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych. Assistant Secretary of State and arch-neocon Victoria Nuland spearheaded the plot. A recorded phone call captured her choosing Ukraine’s new president, with Vice President Joe Biden giving final approval. The United States installed a puppet regime, and the nazification of Ukraine intensified.

In May 2014, neo-Nazi thugs burned alive dozens of ethnic Russian anti-coup protesters in Odessa. A week later, the provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk declared their independence and voted to leave Ukraine. The Kyiv regime responded by sending neo-Nazi militias to attack the Russian-speaking breakaway republics, shelling civilians for eight years and killing 14,000 people.

Russia’s invasion was not unprovoked
Professors John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs established that the real cause of the war was the drive to expand NATO into Ukraine. Even NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg admits this.

In 2008, U.S. Ambassador to Russia William Burns wrote his “Nyet means Nyet” memo, alerting American leaders that expanding NATO into Ukraine was a red line Russia would never tolerate. In 2019, a Zelenskyy adviser predicted that “with a probability of 99.9 percent, our price for joining NATO is a big war with Russia.”

Russia has tried to de-escalate the crisis. Since 2008, Russia has offered five mutual security and peace proposals to the United States, Ukraine, and other European governments. All were rejected or, in the cases of the 2014 Minsk agreements and the April 2022 Istanbul peace agreement, sabotaged by the West.

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  • ..."alerting American leaders that expanding NATO into Ukraine was a red line Russia would never tolerate. "

    How many time have I said this? It is about Russia's borders and NATO'S underhanded moves against Russia. Russia man bad. Orange man bad.

    Trump always said, The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Sun Tzu. Trump knows that book like the back of his hand. Putin is NOT the bad guy. It's the cursed globalists.

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