
As we reported this week, “the Senate has passed a bipartisan bill, the Supreme Court Police Parity Act, which would ‘provide Supreme Court justices and their families around-the-clock security protection as well as allow the Supreme Court Police to arrest individuals who interfere with the court’s ability to perform its duties.

The bill also creates a criminal penalty for individuals who impede or obstruct those duties.”
around-the-clock security protection,” Fox News reported.


The bill was introduced in a bipartisan manner by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del.

But in the House, Democrats say that the bill should be expanded to include law clerks, and have come up with their own bill.

Fox News reported that House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md., in a statement released Friday, said the security protection should be extended to law clerks and staff who “have increasingly faced threats to their physical safety.”


“Violence or the threat of violence against judges, their clerks, or the families of judicial-branch officials is never acceptable,” Hoyer said. “Our majority is determined to protect those who serve our country in the federal judiciary, and we believe that this effort must extend not only to the family members of judges and justices but to the family members of the clerks and staff who support them and have increasingly faced threats to their physical safety, which is done in Rep. Stanton’s Supreme Court Families Security Act.”

Republicans say that Democrats are merely trying to ‘stall’ or include complications to the bill.

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