
  • They do NOT want us to have clean healthy food. They want us SICK, jxx'd, txx'd, hogtied to pharma, to chemicals with 5 syllables, grown by non-fertile seed from Monsanto.

    Farm-raised salmon
    Dairy with rBST ior rBGH hormones (THIS is what natural farmers REFUSE to do)
    Mountain Dew
    Chlorinated chicken
    Meat with ractopamine. 160 nations, including CHYNA, do not allow this food into their country.
    Little Debbie's
    Arby's Sourdough breakfast bread, croissant and french toast sticks.
    Kellog's Frosted Flakes
    Coffee Mate
    Stove Top Stuffing.


    Common US foods that are banned in other countries
    Which chemicals and food production standards that are acceptable and common in foods in the United States are illegal in other countries? Stacker re…
    • Friends always, and more and more ask me if I can provide them with unultered foof, meats, dairy, and produce. This is a problem for the government controlled crap we can buy at the store, they don't want to lose half their business, but they don't want to lose control either. I give away soo much food during the growing season, I probably feed 4-5 families. People WANT their food clean as nature makes them, and we should be able to eat however we desire. This has to stop, they need to stop harassing the Amish, unfortunately they don't stand for themselves, they don't fight. 

    • Well, the more the truth comes out about the poisons in the air, food, soil, water, vxx's, medical interventions, schools, churches, government, even the military, the sooner and more likely, that
      It finally hits people in the head and they begin to see and to think again. Reasoning again. There is NO agency that is the friend of the trapped American people. If I were Trump, when he takes office again, I would utterly destroy all agencies and begin again. Beginning with the EPA. People need FREEDOM. For food, water, and their own bodies. And more.

      What happened to Amos Bundy and Jonestoen should not have accelerated into all that is going on now. But it has. Even housepets now have shorter lifespans. Men's testosterone levels have dropoped a lot. How convenient to go after what makes a man a man.

    • To go after what will insure the death of humanity.  It doesn't take long to turn everything up side down, look at China, they don't have enough women because they murdered alll the girl babies for so long. We need to leave the balancing act of keeping earth and humanity healthy to God. 

    • Yes, He knew what He was doing. We only had to keep Him in our lives and fortunes and honor Him.

    • And i think the case could be made that since Congress made these agencies, they muist do oversight, They do NOT. Make them the babysitters so they can do no more harm.

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