that´s not normal - Angry Samuel L Jackson | Meme Generator

The US Postal Service said it will remove mailboxes in several major cities as a security measure ahead of Joe Biden's Inauguration next week.

As a security measure ahead of the January 20 event, mailboxes in at least 17 states including California and New Jersey, as well as Washington, DC, will be temporarily removed, several press releases from USPS said.

"It's part of our normal procedures to keep our employees and customers safe during times of protest or when large crowds are gathered near postal facilities, on postal routes, or by mailboxes," USPS spokesman David Partenheimer told Insider.

At least 14 post offices in DC will also be closed on Inauguration Day, the Postal Service said in a statement.

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  • all this in preperation of the planned falce flag

    • You mean the SECOND false flag operation in recent weeks- the FIRST was the Capitol riot on Jan 6th.

      PLANNED by Democrats and EXECUTED by ANTIFA / BLM.  

      See the Epoch Times interview on youtube, titled “Agent Provocateur Tactics Seen at Jan 6 US Capitol Protest”

  • Did you all happen to see the the whacko liberals/socialists' riots the day after Trump was elected.  This is TOTAL BS shutting down the post office services!!  They are just racheting things up on purpose.  It's aprehensible what they are doing!!  We need to demand that there is NO MAIL-IN VOTING in any election going forward, only ABSENTEE BALLOTS.  Mail-In ballots only open up the flood gates for FRAUD, just like the 2020 elections.

  • Having greatly aided in perpetrating the largest election hoax in history, maybe USPS is trying to limit its' liability in delivering love tokens to the deserved.

  • Postal boxes have been used as receptacles for 'BOMBs'.. many of these drop boxes are located in high-density population zones... So, it serves us all to have them temporarily a matter of security.

  • The Democrats are milking this for all it's worth. This is just another ploy to make Trump and his followers look bad. They keep thinking of ways to turn everyone against him to destroy him so that he will never seek the presidency again. The best way they can think of how to do this is to inconvienience the people trying to go about their daily lives so they can tell them it's all due to Trump. They thrive on hate and are working on spreading it. So they close down the mail for a day, big deal. The mail stops on holidays doesn't it? They are banking on people being immature and picky enough to complain. I say no sweat. I can see through their stupid tricks. I hope there are enough entelligent people in the world that will ignore this. After all, having their cities the centers of rioting, their businesses destroyed and looted, people beaten up, cars and personal property destroyed this is trivial. And where was all the protection when the rioting was going on in our cities? Oh, I understand, now it's getting too close to the elite instead of just the peasants. It's up front and personal and they are scared.

  • is this legal


    • Postal service owns the boxes. They remove them when the volume of mail decreases in that area. It's normal, they own them and if they think its best to remove them temorarily for security reasons then so be it. They will put them back later. 

  • With packages taking 2 to 3 weeks (or MORE) to be delivered, we are already seeing a huge slow-down inthe mail! As an online seller, I have packages out there, SOMEWHERE, waiting to be delivered! I realize  that the Panemic affects a lot of workers, but this all started after the new USPS leader started 'working'. 

    • we better get ready because it's beginning to escalate already.

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