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A Guatemalan national living in the country illegally was arrested on Monday, February 26, in Provo and charged with the rape of a child, enticing a minor and forgery. His most recent residence was in Lehi. 

Jonathan Estuardo Ruano Garcia, 26, was arrested in the early morning by Provo Police after the victim’s mother arrived home around 11:15 p.m. Sunday and found an adult male leaving her apartment, according to arrest documents. The mother entered her home and found her daughter naked in the hallway.

The mother asked the victim what happened. The 11-year-old girl told her mother that a male she met on the internet came to the apartment and had sex with her, according to court documents. 

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  • We are at war. The Zombie and his zombie horde at the White House do not respect American life.  We Americans must look out for each other because we cannot expect the White House and Washington to protect us. Our tax dollars are being used to destroy us.

    • Yep.

  • Remember crime and illegal immigrants have nothing in common!! B.S. If you believe that I have some Ocean front property  to sell you in New Mexico. Not to mention you and the Gov. will get along great. Witch!!

  • Great picture! 
    how many of our children do we sacrifice before we stop these criminals????????

  • FFS!!!

    Other countries are EMPTYING their prisons into our country!!!

    They buy them a ticket to the us and these pigs are not on their payroll anymore!


    it's been done over history so many times..., the bolshoviks, the cubans, ... honestly...



    The commies are arresting our people, removing Trump from ballots, waging lawfare on our frontrunner and arresting journalists.


    GOP has done NOTHING!


    We're effed!   >:( 

    • The NWO members have been following their plan for at least 111 years within the USA.  The NWO is real good at what they do.  They are so good that they tell us what they are going to do and we just let them do it, time after time!  Like the J6 lawfare, once they are at your from door, it's too late to do anything, unless your ready to die for your country.  It's truly sick what we are allowing to happen right here within this country.  Stay close to your sheriff and state national guard.  H-ll is here, been watching it come for 55+ years, and it's just a matter of time before it knocks on our door.  TRUMP IS OUR LAST CHANCE!!! 


    • we have a sheriff's election coming up in Maricopa county and all I want is for one of them to say he'll stand between the Fed's and us.

      they're rounding up pro-lifers too.

      it's despicable

    • I've been watching these low-testosterone GOP do NOTHING while the stalinists round up their political enemies.

      They turned that giant military apparatus inward; at US. 

      "patriots, christians, religious,"

      and these commies keep testing the gop's wall and no one is doing a thing!


      They kick Trump off ballots?  we should have had 4 states do the same to Biden immediately.

      They arrest a 'right-wing' reporter; we hit them back arresting one of theirs.


      They use lawfair against us..., this is just the commie testing the wall of resistance.

      If we don't hit back then it'll get much, much worse.


    • Well stated Michele.

  • I keep hearing that illegal aliens (aka invaders) per centage wise don't commit more crimes that US citizens; with the things I have been hearing lately; I sincerely doubt that.  Of course, we know they have criminal tendancies because they entered the country illegally.  So why would anyone be surprised when they commit other crimes?

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