
  • R,I,C.O  and subsequent firing squad is in order. NOTHING LESS SHOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE!!!

  • The check is in the mail, I won't jump bail and of my all time favorite I am from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and I promise you will get equal time at the news conferance!

  • R.I.C.O and subsequent firing squad for your Coup!!!

    • I would much rather see them all in Leavenworth with great big sledge hammers breaking big rocks into pebbles!

  • Good job Maria........Valerie Jarrett was Obama's "in the white house" spy........she was a hack for the Obama socialist, pro muslim agenda.  SHE SAW ALL THE DOCUMENTS, HEARD ALL THE PLANS AND "ADVISED" OBAMA IN HIS QUEST TO DESTROY THIS NATION.  Her answers here are all crap.........OF COURSE WHAT HAPPENED 4 YEARS AGO MATTERS........IT'S WHY WE HAVE THE PROBLEMS THAT EXIST NOW.  TYPICAL MARXIST INFILTRATOR WITH DOUBLE TALK TO TRY TO DEFLECT ANSWERS.  It didn't work .  This shrew Jarrett should never have had access to anything in the white house, her loyalties are suspect, her backround leaves questions as to her handlers to process information to foreign entities.  Who gave this wretch a clearance to work in the white house and see secret documents?  Maybe it was Holder another rat .........all of the Obama rats infected the government to the point we are still trying to clean out the infection.  I curse them all. 

    • Please‼️ Obama brought her in! 
      And SHE bragged that she brought in VAN JONES to be the Green CZAR‼️. At the time there was a short video showing her in a meeting espousing the philosophies, the Marxist philosophies of Saul Alinsky. In that meeting she bragged that she brought van Jones into the Obama administration. Van Jones was at the time and out of the closet pro communist. And she brought him right into the administration. He had written a booklet about his views that I learned about from watching Glenn Beck on television. I ordered a copy of the book a little paperback book and for a long time I had that copy. I would imagine he's still a communist now that he's a TV news person, but he's under the radar because he's not announcingThat he is a communist.

      they have all been bad, right from the beginning. I told many people about her and Jones, but people just couldn't believe that there should be so many communists inserting themselves into our government, right into the White House. Right from the beginning Obama admitted he wanted to fundamentally transform our country, and he spent eight long years doing his dirty work without any restraint. Our sickening Republicans in Congress surely should have known how bad they were but they did nothing‼️  
      I can't even begin to tell you how sick it makes me! When, oh when, Will we see the authorities go after all these people, and diet, arrest, convict, and lock up or even execute these people that are guilty of trying to bring our entire nation down! And they're still openly at it which we see all the writing, all the anarchists, all the people guilty of insurrection, and treason!Will we see the authorities go after all these people, and died, arrest, convict, and lock up or even execute these people that are guilty of trying to bring our entire nation down! And they're still openly at it which we see all the writing, all the anarchist, all the people guilty of insurrection, and treason 

      Again, I believe that God is the only one that can heal our nation and he will do it when he sees true repentance before HIM. And we need the help of HIS wonderful Holy Spirit to enable us and help us to make that happen!  I also believe that he gave us Donald Trump to be our president because we have prayed and pleaded with him to give us someone that could get a handle on what was going wrong in Washington and in our country! He is definitely the man for the job, God anointed, and because of that I believe that we will see him president for another four years, God ordained! 

    • Not "and died" but INDICTED‼️🇺🇸

    • Rich, it was Obama! Everywhere he went she went.

  • That is exactly why the Dems want Biden elected so they can sweep the acts of Jarrett, Obama, Biden, Hilary and others under the rug again and stop the American people from knowing the full extent of their criminal and treasonous actions. Obama and Hillary got millions from Putin for selling Russia our uranium - how much did Jarrett and others get? I bet Putin could give us a list of the traitors he paid.

    • You are SO correct❗️ 👏 🇺🇸 ‼️

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