JUST IN - Vatican enters into a "global alliance" with Rothschild, Rockefeller & Ford Foundation, Mastercard, BoA, and others through the new "Council for Inclusive Capitalism" to create a "more inclusive, sustainable and trusted economic system."
— Disclose.tv 🚨 (@disclosetv) December 9, 2020
This statement sets out the collective view of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican on the definition of ‘Inclusive Capitalism’ and the Guiding Principles for the Council’s activities. These Principles reflect the values and approach to business and investment that this Council believes will extend the opportunities and benefits of our economic system to all people and build a more sustainable future.
Capitalism has delivered wealth and prosperity to billions of people around the world. However, we recognize that capitalism must evolve to promote a more sustainable, trusted, equitable, and inclusive system that works for everyone. This is especially important in these days of unprecedented technological advancement, climate disruption, public health crises, and social unrest. The Council recognizes the need for determined actions by its members and others working with them to achieve these aspirations for capitalism.
The Council is committed to action. It seeks real, lasting change for the good. Member organizations will each take a different approach toward implementing the Principles for Inclusive Capitalism, but each commits to promoting sustainable, inclusive, strong and trusted economies around the world. Each of us, working together and with others, will find the best approaches for our institutions, industries, and governments that can foster inclusion; we will define and implement individual actions and approaches, following the Principles for Inclusive Capitalism. This includes further enhancement of environmental, social, and governance measures in our daily operations as we help to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
We consider that Inclusive Capitalism is fundamentally about creating long-term value for all stakeholders – businesses, investors, employees, customers, governments, communities, and the planet – guided by an approach that provides:
- Equality of opportunity for all people to pursue prosperity and quality of life, irrespective of criteria such as socio-economic background, gender, ethnicity, religion or age;
- Equitable outcomes for those who have the same opportunities and seize them in the same way;
- Fairness across generations so that one generation does not overburden the planet or realize near-term benefits that incur long-term costs, at the cost of future generations; and
- Fairness to those in society whose circumstances prevent them from full participation in the economy.
The Council recognizes that different societies will place different weights on these four elements of Inclusive Capitalism.
We believe these are vital, because there is growing evidence that equality of opportunity is good for economic growth, that feeling a sense of that inclusion and fairness contributes much to happiness and well-being.
The Principles of Inclusive Capitalism appeal to a fundamental sense of justice.
For more people to benefit from Inclusive Capitalism, the Council members will strive to contribute to a system that is:
by people to meet their needs. This credibility is established by stakeholders in the system acting responsibly, transparently and with integrity, and should there be a conflict with core values, adopting a prompt and equitable response.
and promotes diversity and equality of opportunity for individuals and a level playing field for those who engage with these opportunities. This means striving for a similar outcome for similar inputs and discouraging unjust advantage or exploitation for individual gain.
where individuals, governments, communities, and companies recognize how their actions impact one another and strive to minimize negative impact.
and able to evolve so that it continues to enable and reward innovation, progress, and adaptation.
where incentives are aligned across generations and the main actors take a long-term perspective. This means considering the future impact of actions taken today on a broad set of stakeholders and on our planet.
Here's a link to their 'guardians'
And, here is a list of companies affiliated with the group:
The Vatican, itself, is supposedly "forbidden" to be politicized, but it rears it's ugly head every time a new Pope is "selected/elected". IMHO, there have been ONLY two "legitimate Popes", since the death of Pius XII, in 1958 and they were John Paul II and Benedict XVI. I am NOT charmed, nor "misled" by the current pope, who IS a socialist and doing his best to destroy the foundation of the Catholic Church (and the free world, at large). And, yes, I am a Catholic. Thankfully, as yet, I've not been exposed to any priests who follow his socialist leanings; I suppose there are some out there, I just do not want to meet them.
OMG. Inclusive Capitalism is an internal contradiction. The so-called "Alliance" means to subordinate individual countries and individual persons to a collective. The collectivists never stop. My first exposure to this thinking came from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged ... she wrote it in 1958 ... I read it shortly thereafter. I voted for Barry Goldwater in '64 ... I saw him as the political manifestation of Atlas!
I believe that the Pope has done a major disservice to Catholicism!
All of the mentioned partakers of this alliance are same globalists that want to destroy this country. They are in essence the NWO crowd. One currency, one religion, one government, and total enslavement of mankind. The book of revelation reveals this alliance, the "catholic church" is the whore that rides om the backs of these globalists.
Dr. Scott Hahn in his tapes THE END on the book of Revelation argues for the position, that the Whore of Babylon is not Rome, which persecuted the Catholic Church, but instead is the apostate, worldly Jerusalem which rejected the Messiah and persecuted the early Christians. Sadly, Bergoglio lends a big hand to the anti-Catholics who believe that what he does is proof of the supposed prophecy from Revelations. Bergoglio is a total irrelevancy to Catholicism, as much as he holds the reigns of power only apostate Catholics like Biden and Pelosi follow him.
This ruse is nothing more than an attempt to dress Communism in the cloak of capitalism... its principles are focused on a COMMAND ECONOMY... not free enterprise. Capitalism's core principle rests on free enterprise not directed outcomes or MANAGED markets and opportunities. These FOOLS think to rewrite the rules of a free market and capitalism while expecting it to function in a command economy.
They think that the wizardry of words and the magic of command-based economy will result in greater wealth and its equitable distribution.. .the only thing they will do is to create an unmanageable bureaucracy that will suck the profit out of successful businesses to support economies and businesses that simply can't work or are corrupt. Inclusive capitalism is nothing more than a new age name for socialism... a system of social justice for non-productive societies and individuals... a Marxist ideology... based on the axiom of " From each according to their ability, too each according to their need." that is not equitable distribution based on value and effort.
This system fails to heed God's order for commerce... too, reap only where one has sown and to use a just measure and equal scale for every transaction in the Market Place.. we don't give more to one, just to satisfy some perceived social justice issue, or to redistribute wealth to those who have demonstrated they are not capable of managing their resources and internal wealth .... those social systems and cultures unable to support themselves in the long term, need to adapt or die out... They don't need to be given life support from cradle to grave.. at the expense of others. There is no social justice when some individuals are expected to suffer lack or want, so others may attain an equitable outcome.
The poor and challenged generations of the underdeveloped world need to be assisted but the gains in their status must result from their own labor and ingenuity... It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him fish from your own labor... teaching a man to fish is a lifelong benefit and one that not only feeds the man but builds the confidence needed to achieve even greater things. This program will not do that... It will enslave the entire world, in a cycle of failed social programs and attempts at social justice... Social justice must be internalized not externally administered.
Well said ... mirrors my thoughts and beliefs over many decades.
"It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him fish from your own labor... teaching a man to fish is a lifelong benefit and one that not only feeds the man but builds the confidence needed to achieve even greater things."
I only wish this advice could be followed, but everyone in the Church must wait upon Bergoglio, the "Dictator Pope". It is very ironic that this man has become such a total irrelevance to the thought of any serious Catholics I know. It is like he doesn't exist. The Church will be handicapped for future generations by all the clones of himself he has raised to the Consistory of Cardinals, effectively making the Papacy an irrelevance for decades to come until such time as a miracle occur and the papal office might be filled by a saint.
This is just Communism in disguise. They can use all the fancy word's but it doesn't
change what it is. COMMUNISM.
with the vatrican's attraction to having sex with minors nambla should be a part of that alliance