Vaz or No Vax?

Source; SNGLR


An analysis of data from Cleveland Clinic employees found the risk of contracting COVID-19 was 1.5 times higher for those who received 2 doses, 1.95 times higher for those who received 3 doses, and 2.5 times higher for those who received more than 3 doses. The higher risk was compared to people who received zero or 1 dose of a vaccine.

Meanwhile a study from the Czech Republic has made significant contributions to the scientific literature on Covid vaccines and the healthy vaccinee effect. 1st, the authors observed the phenomenon in another country, lending support to its universal nature. 2nd, they provide clear evidence that those who chose (or were coerced) to be vaccinated were indeed healthier. 3rd, they show that the phenomenon is consistent along the sequence of doses, as was evident in UK data for booster doses. Those who continued to the next dose were healthier than those who did not. Lastly, they demonstrate that the observed pattern in their data can be reproduced by simulated data when a vaccine has no effect and only the healthy vaccinee effect is operating.

The authors computed rates of all-cause death in periods of Covid waves and in periods of low (almost no) Covid deaths. The latter are essentially rates of non-Covid death, which means that any “effect” of the Covid vaccines during these periods is a pseudo-effect. It is the healthy vaccinee phenomenon alone. In each period, they compared the mortality rate between the unvaccinated and various groups of vaccinated people.

One key point: the pseudo-effect of the 2-dose protocol, starting 4 weeks after the 2nd dose when people are considered fully protected. To focus on that group vs. the unvaccinated, see the chart. Notice that these bars show rates, not counts, of deaths in a period with low Covid deaths. Although these are deaths from any cause, 99.7% were not related to Covid. Therefore, they may be considered rates of non-Covid death.

In each age group, the rate of non-Covid death in the effectively vaccinated is much lower than the rate in the unvaccinated. Of course, that’s a pseudo-effect of the vaccines. That’s the healthy vaccinee effect, or bias when trying to estimate the true effectiveness against Covid death.

Correcting for the healthy vaccinee bias has changed estimates of vaccine effectiveness from around 70% to around 10%. And that’s not the only bias in observational studies of Covid vaccines. Differential misclassification of the cause of death is another strong bias. Would any effectiveness have remained if all the biases could have been removed? Were lives indeed saved by these vaccines? It's doubtful, if one "follows the science."


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