— RealVinnieJames (@RealVinnieJames) October 26, 2020
This video clearly shows that pretty much everyone knows China is working to get Biden elected. Everybody including Nancy Pelosi. So why don't Biden voters know? A vote for Biden is literally a vote for Communist China.👇🏾Literally. -VJpic.twitter.com/2WTnCdFCeb
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Well yeah, they want a good return on their investment. Best politician money can buy. Empty head, easy to influence. Biden is their man. Vote accordingly.
" So why don't Biden voters know?"
They don't care to know, that's why. And the ones that do know, don't care.
The real question that matters, put forth plainly and bluntly is this: Are there enough retards in the public to vote Biden, and put him in the Oval Office?
The DNC appears to be uncertain. Voter fraud is underway to take care of any slack in numbers. Another Clinton catastrophe cannot, and will not, be tolerated.
For over 75 years education has been compromised, in stages, by the Progressive Left, in order to bring us to the current social unrest, violence and lawlessness that we are experiencing today. Education, Academia, have played a major role in creating outright falsehoods as reasonable alternatives to righteousness, and in the process have sought to destroy family and American vlaues entirely. During this time the Democrat Political Party has gradually become criminal, to the point that their agenda is no longer politics as usual, but the open lust for power and control by any means necessary to attain it.
President Trump is the obstructionist standing in the way, and must be removed by any means. We, real Americans, must not let that happen.