Jones is also the one standing on the police car in this video.
— Tiffanie Tx (@tiffanie_tx) April 13, 2023
read more here: me make something clear. This type of behavior from “peaceful protestors” won’t be tolerated. I will not stand for radicals physically & verbally assaulting my members. This behavior has no place or voice here. These folks have been arrested and charged with assault. #TNleg
— Rep. Glen Casada (@GlenCasada) February 28, 2019
Kiss our country goodby
The state of TENNESSEE for the most part has ALWAYS BEEN MOSTLY CONSERVATIVE AND STILL IS,BUT NASHVILLE has turned into a Septic Tank, I at one time lived there and liked living there, I no longer have any desire to return. The transition from conservative to woke and radical began slowly but is now full blown surely being influenced by out of state involvement and influence.
Generation X ? Or Y, maybe Z ?? Anyway don't know how to be told No by anyone in authority. Antifa B.L.M. for example.
The most powerful two letter word, NO!