Alexander Vindman - Imgflip

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key witness in President Donald Trump's impeachment inquiry, is retiring from the US Army after more than 21 years of military service because he determined that his future in the armed forces "will forever be limited" due to political retaliation by the President and his allies, his lawyer told CNN Wednesday.

Vindman has endured a "campaign of bullying, intimidation, and retaliation" spearheaded by the President following his testimony in the impeachment inquiry last year, according to his attorney, Amb. David Pressman.

News of Vindman's retirement marks the culmination of a months-long saga dating back to his public testimony in November.

Trump fired Vindman as the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council in February and also ousted his twin brother who also played a key role in impeachment proceedings while serving at the White House as an NSC lawyer.

In recent weeks, the controversy has centered around allegations that the White House was attempting to block Vindman's upcoming military promotion to the rank of colonel.

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  • poor sissy, go find your safe space

  • Pardon me but I do not feel an ounce of sorry for him.  HE DOES NOT RUN THE COUNTRY HE WORKS FOR THE PRES NOT HIMSELF.  BYE BYE.  

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