This is a MUST WATCH!
— 🇺🇸Lady De’Plorable🇺🇸 (@LadyRedWave) May 4, 2021
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This is a MUST WATCH!
— 🇺🇸Lady De’Plorable🇺🇸 (@LadyRedWave) May 4, 2021
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Ronald A. Nelson Col.USA (Ret) I have been involved in a push for a Convention of States and I am praying to God that we get it done. If nothing else, it will give us some leverage in government control. God bless. COSAction (
There are those afraid of a Run-A-Way Convention. Any Amendments they come up with have to be ratified by 38 states, the Convention itself cannot change the Constitution. We have an uphill battle to get this to happen.
Colonel-Good luck, I keep hoping more states will get involved in the COS.
I have truly had my suspicion’s. I hope they sue, and I hope it goes viral. Communist Democrats are pathetic, and I feel the noose getting tighter and tighter!!
The corona virus is not the main attack... it is a ruse. The ultimate goal is to coerce the population through fear, paranoia, and peer pressure to willingly allow an experimental drug to be tested on them. Big Pharma is now injecting people worldwide with this gene and/or DNA manipulating substance that they’re calling ‘The Vaccine’. The only thing that this poison will vaccinate you against is a long and happy life.
Since the real purpose of this drug is yet to be determined, a multitude of questions remain unanswered.
What is the connection between the so-called vaccine and 5G? Is it coincidence that when the lockdowns began, the 5G installations began springing up like weeds? Where is the study that proves 5G radiation is SAFE? Who decided America needs it and gave the go ahead to begin the installation?
Another interesting 21st century innovation with a possible connection to the covid scam is HAARP.
What is it and what does it do? What is its purpose? Who authorized it? Who pays for it? Can it be used as a weapon?
We also need some valid information on the chemtrails that are becoming more and more prevalent across our skies. Who decided we needed aluminum, barium, strontium, sulfuric acid, and various other chemical compounds sprayed into the air we breathe? What connection do these chemtrails have to the covid scam, or to 5G, or to HAARP?
No matter which of these subjects is addressed, Bill Gates always seems to be involved. As I’ve said before Gates’ crimes against humanity should have earned him a front row seat on death row. But as we all know, money can buy a lot of friends. Gates’ endless rhetoric on population reduction and his fanatical obsession with vaccinating the entire world is yet another reason to be very skeptical of everything related to covid.
COVID-19 is the Democratic weapon for control of the people time to say no mas let us get our country back no more socialize control.
Amen, Colonel Nelson! Time for us as a Nation to SAY NO TO JOE! and institute the steps you so eloquently outlined below. Enough of this fraud government. Time to alter or abolish the whole damn thing.
All covid was is a depopulation experiment! And control.
We can no longer TRUST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to provide Constitutional rule... or proper measures for our security and health. The people must demand the States take IMMEDIATE remedial action too:
1. Call and Article 5 Convention to review the key issues with corruption at all levels of government,
2. Review and establish a unified policy for the prevention and treatment of the Covid pandemic using the best medical practices as confirmed by clinicians in the field.
3. End monetary easing and the massive printing of US Currency... which is nothing more than a TAX BY INFLATION on the savings and retirement accounts of Americans. End ROBBERY BY FRAUD of the common man's wealth. There is no such thing as FREE ANYTHING. The US Treasury is not a Money Tree printing currency without real wealth behind it only devalues the currency in circulation. Pass an Amendment requiring the Federal Government to balance its budget within 10 yrs and too reduce the size of the federal government so it consumes no more than 10% of GDP annually. Reduce discretionary entitlement programs, not defense or the 18 core functions of the Federal Government. End Federal Welfare as we know it.
4, Restrict the Federal Government to its 18 Constitutional powers... Eliminate social entitlement programs at the Federal Level. If any are needed let the States authorize and finance them. Transition the federal government away from subsidies for housing, energy, medical, food, and other unconstitutional functions over 10yrs. Return all federally administered lands, not needed for their Constitutional functions, to the States for their administration and benefit.
5. Correct the results of the 2020 fraudulent elections. Recall all officials who were elected in the 2020 Fraudulent Election... Do so with a RECALL AND TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT. Limit all future terms for federal office to 1 term, 6yrs, with 1/3rd of the Congress and appointed officials standing for election and appointment every 2yrs. No more professional politicians. End defined retirement benefit plans for all elected and political appointees, including Federal Judges. Let them use a 401K with matching contributions by the government, that end with their term in office.
6. Immediately secure the US Southern Border and finish the Wall along our Southern Border. Return all apprehended illegal aliens to Mexico. Review and suspend all federal immigration judges who can't read or have a problem with understanding that the US Constitution doesn't extend to ALIENS. Impeach all US Supreme Court Justices who have the same problem. Pass a bill that affirms the immediate deportation of all illegal aliens found in the USA without a formal hearing. Let them appeal from their home nations. Place a lifetime ban on entry for all illegal aliens found in the USA. Freeze all immigration for 4 yrs while reviewing and deporting all the illegals present in the USA.
7. Reform the DOJ, all federal law enforcement agencies, the intel services, and the Judiciary Branch... reauthorize the federal judiciary. Pass a new 'federal judiciary act' which removes all sitting justices and requires their reappointment, with a limit of ONE Term: 6yrs. as a federal justice. Dismiss any federal agent that is found to have engaged in or knew of ANY criminal conduct and failed to report it. Make it clear that failure to enforce the law or to bend it for personal or political gain will not be tolerated. No one is above the law and when it is shown that a government agent is operating as if they are not bound by the law... they need to be immediately dismissed.
The States must act to reform and return the Federal Government to operate within its Constitutional power and no more... If a State wants more government programs, let them do so within its Constitutional authority as a sovereign. Stop looking for others to fund social programs thru federal mandates. No more rule by judicial fiat or federal overreach. Let the State's choose and fund any social welfare, medical, and educational system they can afford.