Time for our side to wake up to some hard realities, fast:

1. Stop calling on Biden to step down or to be forced out. That will just give Kamala all the benefits of running as an incumbent U.S. President. And she won’t be any better for America in the next 5 months than Biden will be.

2. Stop attacking Kamala for locking up too many people as a prosecutor. It lends credibility to the otherwise ridiculous claim that she’s a “law-and-order” candidate.

3. Stop saying that Kamala covered up to help Biden, while also saying that Kamala staged a coup to overthrow Biden. It doesn’t make sense to say both at once. And if we say things that don’t make sense, we will lose votes.

Our biggest risk isn’t that voters will suddenly fall in love with Kamala. She didn’t even make it to her own party’s Iowa caucus because voters didn’t like her, *despite* fake enthusiasm the media tried to generate around her even back then.

Our biggest risk is we get distracted & forget to offer our own vision for the future of the United States of America.

We’re going to win this thing by defining who we are & what we actually stand *for*. Merit. Free speech. Self-governance. The rule of law.

A historic landslide for Trump is still achievable. It’s up to us to seize it. 🇺🇸

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