Wall Street Journal tells Republicans to ditch Trump

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Nancy Pelosi slams Mitch McConnell for ‘disingenuous’ Trump impeachment speech

The conservative editorial board of the Wall Street Journal on Sunday drew a line in the sand and warned Republicans to leave Donald Trump behind if they want to retake the White House in 2024.

“Mr. Trump may run again, but he won’t win another national election,” they wrote in an opinion piece. “The country is moving past the Trump Presidency, and the GOP will remain in the wilderness until it does too,” they added.

The article argues that president was already unpopular, never having an approval rating of more than 50 per cent and already having lost the election before the events of the attack on the Capitol, but to run again would even further weaken the party.

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  • Who (names on the WSJ editorial board) supported the WSJ opinion piece?

  • I can't remember when I took political, or any other advice, from the wall street journal.  When it come out and says something my well-thought-out answer is what they are against is what I am for.

    Best thing we can do is the opposite of what the wsj advocates,

  • Baloney !!

  • Why would I not want Trump back in the Whitehouse? The best president since Reagan. Why would I not want Trump who puts the American people first. Why do the socialist commie pinko media think they know what is best for the Republican Party?  Why don't they tell China or Russia what is best for them.

  • O.K. people.....everyone who read the paper.....don't anymore, and see if they change their tune.

  • Must be a RINO talking. Trumps has a 75% MAGA Party better than some GOP'ers.

  • The Wall Street Journal is not to be trusted.  They are one of the power hogs.  It will be a fight for Trump, but he is the only one in a long time that put America first.  With most of congress it is all about the money and power.  Instead of blocking Trump all Americans should desert their party and vote for the outsider that made America hum.  Biden has taken this country back to the obama years and worst.  The pro politician just can't stand it when an outsider comes in and in the face of tremendous opposition makes tremendous progress.  Screw those "think they know best" politician and vote them out.  

    • Absolutely. I view them as the specialized Financial Chamber of Commerce faction of the Country Cub GOP.

  • WSJ-- No, thanks.  I'll keep my 80+ million voting bloc, thank you!!!  Oh, and we'll probably attract 20+ million more by 2022... FROM THE DEMOCRATS.  

    Joe's "jobs plan" for the energy industry will be wearing SERIOUSLY THIN by then.  

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