
  • Hitler has landed 

  • The average American does not care about their rights.  What a completely erroneous statement. Actually he is saying he doesn't care about the average citizens rights. I'm 70 and I never thought I would see any President who had such little concern for the American citizens.

  • States need to pass nullification legislation... overturning the Executive Orders which are not ... are not Law. EO's don't override State Law.  Congress must pass legislation codifying an EO as law before the state must comply.  State's need to stop acting as if they have no power to resist Executive Mandates, EO's, and Policy Directives... those items are meant to be used as executive and presidential guidance for federal agencies... not as law or regulatory authority mandating compliance by States and all Citizens.  

    Governors who fail to assert their state's rights are betraying their oaths of office and the State's citizens... they need to be removed.  States don't need to ask the Federal Government for permission to ignore or to nullify Federal Executive overreach they need to use their powers of 'nulification' to restrain Federal FIAT authority.

  • The Dr. That Treated President Trump, Rudy Guiliani and several thousand of his regular patients says the Fake Vaccine is a death Jab and Most that get it will be Dead in 2 to 3 years and giiving it to Children is Child Sacrifice. The Globalist Depopulatiion agenda in full steam ahead

  • I'm so waiting on Jesus to come

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