We just popped Iran right in the noggin... | Page 7 | GON Forum

The Iran Deal was the epicenter of Obamagate. – That’s the direction this all is continuing to go after former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor Walid Phares revealed yesterday that the was the mysterious fifth target for persecution by the Mueller Special Counsel operation identified in Rod Rosenstein’s scope memo.

This story won’t get much attention from the fake news media, which is focused on its latest fear porn campaign related to the Wuhan Virus, but it is important because it serves to confirm what we have suspected about the motivations behind the still-ongoing persecution of General Mike Flynn.

From a report at John Solomon’s JustTheNews site:

" " “In my view, the push against the Trump campaign, and then the transition, and then the administration was on behalf of those who wanted to defend the Iran deal, to protect the interests of the Iran deal,” Phares told Just the News.

Phares, a counterterrorism expert who advised Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign, Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and Republicans in Congress for years, has long been a critic of Iran for its support for terrorism as well as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Tehran’s ally in the Sunni world.

The Obama administration struck the deal to pay billions to Iran and ease sanctions on the country in exchange for a freeze on its nuclear weapons program, and it recognized the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt after the Arab Spring uprising led to the overthrow of Cairo’s longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak.

Trump’s improbable win in 2016 threatened to upend those alliances, Phares said during an interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast, and likely set in motion efforts to undermine the new president in fall 2016 and spring 2017.

“The Obama administration obviously was not happy,” Phares said. “Not just because Donald Trump won the election, but they knew that he was about to change things. The most important point that they were concerned about, and that was not a secret, was the fact that Donald Trump said during the campaign that he will be withdrawing, he will be canceling, he used different terminology, the Iran deal. And the Iran deal was a major strategic achievement of the Obama administration. Definitely, they were not happy with that.”

“And Donald Trump, also during his campaign, was talking about changing, shifting alliances in the region,” he added. “He didn’t want the partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood … So it was a massive change in foreign policy.”

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  • Trump will get to the bottom of Obamagate, too. Not to worry! He also got Barr in his corner, the country's chief law enforecement officer. Barr is totally loyal to Trump and the two of them will clean up the judiciary, finally. Trump is the law and all law enforcement should work for the president: shield him and his friends from deep state prosecution and prosecute political enemies. Every real American patriot supports Trump taking total control of the country including the judiciary. How dare they harrass our beloved president? This is America, not some shithole country!!!

  • Surprise, surprise ... Obama is a closet Muslim... the Arab Spring, radical Jihad and the establishment of a worldwide Islamic Caliphate are goals that have Obama's Presidential fingerprints all over them... Can anyone say treason, sedition, domestic terror... However, to commit treason one must be a US Citizen... think on that awhile.

  • Maybe partly but I feel much of it was to cover for Ocommie and Hillary.

    • I believe everything is to cover for them. Without them ever have been in office, we might be living in peace. 

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